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Posts posted by Brian

  1. I need a 6 page essay to be written by Wed. On a composer, not Beethoven or Mozart. MLA format.


    I don't know how much things like this would cost but I don't feel like making time to write this. If you want to do it, or know a trustworthy website. Tell me.


    So if your good at writing and have time, you'll make a quick buck


    100$ and you got it.

  2. With that, what would you expect the FPS to be on BF3 maxed out settings? I'm wondering because I'm planning on getting a better PC. @@Brian


    Definitely. Battlefield 4 will max out. I can help you build one, if you're interested.

  3. Why the DDR3-2400? Seems like a bit of a moneysink to me....Unless you're some hardcore Scandinavian LNO2 overclocker.


    It was the cheapest, and I might as well take a hold of 2400 of it, especially, since I'm trying to get into music production and other tasks, like light rendering. It's $113 with the rebate, so it's about the same price as a 1600.

  4. Add pickpocket to thug.

    Add Sports Retailer, who sells Sports Equipment, such as Baseball Bats, Crossbows, Bicycles and Gold Carts.

    Add Car Dealer, who sells Junk Cars, preferably from the SCARS pack, so they can break down.

    Add Mechanic, who can repair these.

    Add Priest, who sells Holy Water. He can shoot Vampires.

    Add Vampire, who sucks on people for additional health.

    Add more stuff to medic, like Health Stations, Pills, Medkits, etc.

    Add Mail Man, who can deliver bombs, guns and other packages to people legally, as well as plant bombs like a hitman.

    Add Suicide Bombs/ Car Bombs to terrorist leader.

    Add SWAT Sniper for donators. The exact same as swat, expect they spawn with a sniper rifle. Then make SWAT for everyone.

    Add Hitman, and he spawns with nothing. Contract Killer now spawns with an AWP/Rifle/Pistol, etc.


    There's so many creative ideas we can have in a few minutes.

    1. Grab a mic or anything else you can use to record
    2. Go to youtube and search up Spooky Scary Skeletons (video with lyrics so you can sing along)
    3. Go to Vocaroo | Online voice recorder and record yourself singing along.
    4. Post the end result in this thread

    We're finally doing this. Hopefully I can make this a monthly thing, so everybody be prepared fo some horrible sing by many of xg's best.


    Tagging people that might be interested.

    @@serbiansnaga @@RainForest @@MuffinMonster @@Bleed @@mtown81 @@ASock @@Link! @@Rhododendron @@Warriorsfury @@JakeEnglish @Penguin @@DMTwired @@HaplessIdiot @@African

    @@Docterlat_ @@Cristo @@Chrono @@JayBreeze @@DeathGod


    You can also PM it to me if you're shy :)


    People who participated:


    Only post here is you're posting your finished product!


    Deadline is this Friday, November 15th, 2013



    Brian - [Finished]

    Serbian - [Finished]

    Forest - [Finished]

    Chrono - Pending

    Dr.Lee - Pending

    mtown - Pending

  5. >inb4 cant cum jokes

    I think everybody knew that was coming (except Aegean)


    Finally got my account working again, just wanted to say hi to all the old fags that might remember me. Hope you're all well, kinda dissapointed in the lack of progress in this community other than TF2 and G-mod now, but I know times are tough for CS:S and I think CS:GO.


    If any of you members complain about the lack of things that get done, but refuse to take initiative into doing it yourself or at least starting something with alot of thought behind it, don't complain ^_^


    look m8 i dint kno who u fink u r but ur ded m8 deder than u kno

  6. I don't think there are any issue except for the fact that they make you rage really easily. Since you're desperately trying to pwned that guy, and well, you just can't get it.


    In other words

    get gud m8

  7. People can't even keep a conversation without blowing it up into something larger than it actually is. Maybe if we had a proper discussion we could get situations taken care of more easily, instead of turning every thread into "YOU SUCK XDDDDDDDDDDD LE SHITPOSTING FACE." Maybe if you actually heard somebody's ideas, instead of the person saying them, we could grow even larger.


    Closed, since intelligent conversations don't exist in this thread.