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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Brian | im tired of tf2 badmins



    Ban Type:

    Server Ban


    Okay let's get started. I apologize if it seems I'm rambling, but I'm genuinely upset.

    The Facts

    • I was playing on the server for nearly 5 hours before I was banned with no prior requests by admins to change my name.


    • I did not receive a message prior to this ban that my behavior or name was in anyway shape or form offensive.

    • I did not receive a kick, short ban or personal message requesting my name be changed (to which I would have happily obliged) and if I did, I didn't see it as I was engrossed in a tale about ants.


    I disagree that the length of this ban should be so long. I did not receive a formal talking to about my behavior or even a temporary day ban. So why go from zero to one hundred so quickly, especially when I was never punished before it got so out of control. I think it's because the admins have some personal qualm with me. Now, I have never personally met most of these admins, and to be frank I don't care to, as I am no longer an active member of the Team Fortress 2 Division. What I do care about though, is that these admins do their jobs correctly. Even if I was informed to change my name, the length of the ban needs to be discussed.


    When I was a member of the staff, we had a simple procedure. It went like this.

    1. Verbal Warning

    2. Kick from server with reason

    3. If they rejoin within the hour and haven't changed, ban them for a day.

    4. If it persists, ban them for a week/permanently.

    Now, why do I get banned nearly instantaneously for such an extended period? My last ban before this was a server mute, but that was only on one server, and I left immediately after it was issued, and even before then the last ban was back in 2015.


    The only logical option is to assume the admins have some sort of personal vendetta against me, which was never stated out loud, evidence by the fact that the ban was for such a long time, there was no recent member protest/ ban request, and the fact that I am posting this thread in shock. I thought we were getting along well in fact. I'll be the first to admit I'm no angel, but if you have issues with me, let's talk it out.


    Which brings me to my main issue with the current administration.

    Problems with Authority


    The Xeno Gamers TF2 Division has become too secretive, and excels in poor communication skills. I am genuinely upset that I was not contacted by any staff member, either by on the forums, or added on steam, or even kicked with a message that says relax. There was zero effort of communication, and the communication that was given was particularly half assed, as not seeing a message in a trade chat results in a one month ban. The only communication the admins appear to have, with a select few who have stood out, particularly Clark and Egossi, is with each other.


    Read my ban message here.




    Now, what history do I have of major toxicity? I have received one mute in the past 6 months, and I still stand by that reasoning that the child was being immature and kept talking. Other than that, there are very few, if any, records of this behavior. Now, if there are records with all of my behavior incidents that was collected but I wasn't punished, shouldn't they have been handled then, instead of making one large folder in case an incident of this nature ever occurred?


    Also, why was I banned by a different admin rather than the one who made the claims?




    I'm upset. I feel like I wasn't given proper treatment, simply because I was a prior member. The rules have changed, and I feel that a near two years absence (with a bit of playtime here and there) warrants a bit of adjustment to the new rules.


    Am I disagreeing with the ban? Yes. But the part I most disagree with is the length of the ban. I would have respected one day, maybe even three days. A month, however, is simply ridiculous. I was not given a proper warning to warrant this length. I wish that my ban be removed entirely, or at least be shortened in length to adjust for the lack of communication on the part of the admins.


    Thanks for reading my thread.



    • Got a hefty ban with little to no prior warning or punishments and want either an explanation with evidence or an unban.

  2. Let's start. You say that you are mainly an issue on the forums and not in-game. Do you realize that if you were to be demoted, it's more of a judge or character, rather than two different platforms. That's like saying you committed hate crimes in on part of the country but not the other, so you shouldn't have it documented on one side. That's not how this works. Part of being a moderator is having the same mentality on and off the field. You can't act one way to make sure you cover your own ass, then behave like an absolute moron someplace else and expect no to be punished. That's not how the real world works. You messed on on the forums, so @Chrono is making a judge of character.




    We don't need this person as a mod. You can't act like you're right or higher up than you actually are by trying to get me and rabid banned from the forums just because we have a difference in opinion, or because of the way I say that opinion. That's not the sign of maturity, but rather of ignorance. I don't need another ignorant moderator telling me what I can and can't do, because it "might hurt somebody's feelings." And even if I mess up, you don't automatically need to ban me just because I messed up once.


    This is directed not only @Kypari, but at most of the TF2 Division that has a problem with me. So far, from this so called "community" I have been called the following.

    • Racist
    • Troll
    • Bigoted

    And for what? Because I don't sugar coat it and make you feel better? You do realize that most of the stuff I say is because I actually care about the clan, and the circlejerk that has been created is obviously ruining it, right?

  3. Posted this in the convo but wanted it to be made clear.


    The reason we have no evidence is because we've all been ignoring him for so long. Playing on the server with him is so tiresome that we just don't do it anymore, even to get evidence for his removal.


    If and when he gets unbanned though, all of that changes.


    His every word on the servers will be recorded, every conversation screenshotted. We don't have evidence, so we're going to get some. If he changed then good, nothing to worry about. But does anyone that knows vector, either from CSS or TF2, honestly think he's going to change?


    I'm guessing probably not. And with every action and word documented, he's going to have two choices: change or actually be permed. I wonder which he'll choose.


    So instead of telling him what was wrong with his behavior or banning him before this incident, you ignored him and expected him to get better?


    Are people actually this stupid?

  4. You know, if you see somebody being disrespectful like this, you can ban them before it gets out of control? Do you not know how to use admin powers? If he keeps doing it, extend the ban.

    +1 for unban. It's not his fault you allowed him to continue this behavior without repercussion. Now, he should still learn that this isn't OK. Maybe change it to a week ban. Otherwise, ban him if he gets out of control, or just report him to a higher up and let them take care if it. A few warnings with no temp. bans then perm for messing around is WAAAY to harsh. I even looked at the bans to make sure. Most of the bans are @diabeetus saying "beef flaps" and are for 10 minutes on CSS, not even TF2. There's only two for TF2, and they were back in 2013.


    Do you want a guide on how to be a big boy too? How to change your own underwear so mommy doesn't have to?


    This circlejerk is actually disgusting. 20+ members would leave if ONE person was banned? Good riddance. The point of being an admin is to be unbiased and moderate the servers without having an opinion, negative or positive, about the people you're watching over. This proves if anything that most of the TF2 division is too immature if they leave because one bad man says bad things. Boo Hoo. Get over it. You're supposed to be the mature one, not the one crying over it.

  5. @Kypari Please continue to bring up issues totally unrelated to Rabid's "Trolling and Disrepect." I'm sure that it'll help your case. Until then, please keep using logical fallicies to help "prove your argument." This is exactly what is wrong with the TF2 division. Too many children acting higher up than they are. You're nothing more than a moderator, and a horrible one at that. You're not division leader or manager, hell not even an admin. Get over yourself kid.


    I still don't even know who you are besides some retarded 14 year old who gets angry at what somebody said to him on the internet.

  6. Suq madiq - team fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers

    So apparently you do care about disrespect. Please think before fudgeposting.


    One kids spamming TF2 chat with salty hoe isn't the same as some random guy named Rabid occasionally calling you a retarded 14 year old autist. One was chat spam and I couldn't read other trades, plus it was constant. The other one was you being too sensitive to a non-issue. Bring that up to your therapist, maybe he'll up the dosage on your medication.

  7. Teenagers (or rather those under 15) getting moderator was one of the worst decisions. The only way I have ever gotten their attention in TF2 servers was actively saying furries were mentally damaged and needed therapy, or that British people need to be wiped off of the face of the earth. The TF2 division is full of kiddies who censor you if you want to make a joke, no matter if it's in poor taste, or get butthurt too easily if they're the butt end of the joke. The Leader doesn't care about the quality of the players, so as long as you give him money or watch his ads. The kiddies themselves are entitled, 14 years old, complaining about ever little detail. I got threatened with a permaban the other day for dominating a member, going into friendly and taunting them. The Co-Leaders do nothing about complaints and instead post these bullshit threads every few months, saying "We need to talk", then never acting on it. One of the Co-Leaders is even VAC banned and he's still in.


    And you dare ask "Why is the clan so bad lately?"


    Find your rectum and remove your head immediately


    You have nobody but yourselves to blame. You let in the trolls, the crybabies and the mentally challenged drama queens, and as soon as they do something major, you ask "Why is the clan so bad?" Take a good hard look at yourselves, and maybe you'll find the answer. Until then, stop complaining you dumbasses.

  8. All I see is white.

    If you are making this because I gagged and muted you, get over it. What you said was disrespectful and I found somewhat racist.

    The type of humor that you have completely differs from mine. I'd expect much better of an ex co-leader.


    Take a joke. Saying british people are all lazy cunts is offensive. Saying it in chat in a joking matter isn't. There's no need to get this angry.

  9. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Suq Madiq

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:



    Extreme disrespect. Everything this guy says is directed at another user, and designed to cause harm. It's classic verbal abuse. i asked a moderator, I believe @Suicune but he refused saying he wasn't violating any of these rules, and that I should stop being "salty". Not only is that extremely unprofessional for a clan that wants to continue provided a decent experience experience, but also extremely rude by denying the situation.


    Anyway, here's the proof. There's was much more, such as calling other users retarded, pussies and other vulgar words.







  10. What happened to the GMod division?

    What happened to all the servers that were up?

    Why did people give up on populating CSGO servers?

    Why is the TF2 Div literally full of trade servers and twelve year olds?

    Why isn't there focus on the new servers and improving them, instead of making copies of others?

    Why do we only have one Left 4 Dead server?

    What happened to Promo Demo that came on time?

    Where did all the fun go?

    Why do I even care?