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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Brian reacted to McNeo in Hello   
    Me McNeo.
    Me come play JB again.
    Stab you.
  2. Agree
    Brian reacted to Rhododendron in Only posting here to avoid a shitstorm   
    So I see Edward Snowden is getting friendly on SNG.
  3. Ding!
    Brian got a reaction from Reflex in Hey guys!   
  4. Like
    Brian got a reaction from JakeEnglish in Hey guys!   
  5. Winner
    Brian reacted to John in jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 Active player, knows the rules. He doesn't cause problems. I don't see why he's getting so many -1's from all of these try-hards. He acts more mature than half of you sometimes.
    A: 9/10
    M: 9/10
    Also, if you are just putting a -1 without the correct format your -1 will not count.
  6. Like
    Brian reacted to mtown81 in [Jailbreak] Maps   
    all maps are goods maps, its only an opinion
  7. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Jaybreeze in New Servers   
    stop spamming shoutbox you nerd
  8. Boring
    Brian reacted to Epix in [Jailbreak] Maps   
    Entanglement, disco day or rebel
  9. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Here's a cheap Gaming PC   
    Why are you buying a 1200w PSU for a 650 ti? The max you'll need is 750~800, even with overclocking.
    And a 3TB 5400RPM? 1TB 7200RPM + a Cheap 100GB SSD will serve much better.
    1333 RAM? With an A6? Why not just buy a 965, since you're getting a graphics card anyway.
  10. Agree
    Brian reacted to LQuidador in Oh Bleed   
    Bleed u are just a fucking piece of shit-spick
  11. Like
    Brian reacted to McNeo in Hello   
    Shut up Silence you love me.
    Played a few games on JB and finally got my binds figured out :3
    I'll be around here and there, but I think I'm done for the night already.
    Later peeps
  12. Agree
    Brian reacted to Jesus in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
    When I could reprehend my wife.
    When we could still beat women.
    When water was still just water.
    Before all those 'walking on water' rumors started.
    When Warrior was bet $20 to stick a gold fish up his ass and lost it. That trip to the emergency room was great! #kinky
  13. Agree
    Brian reacted to Sliver in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
    when LoL wasn't a thing.
  14. Ding!
    Brian reacted to Rhododendron in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    That's standard Jailbreak lol. That's how it has been for 15+ years!
  15. Agree
    Brian reacted to Rhododendron in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    Mine. Also added a feature last night to prevent jarating. If a Blue jarates a Red, it reverses and the Blue becomes jarated.
  16. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from Epix in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    How about making it a slayable offense. Where that, if they are to do so to two or more people for no given reason, they can be slain. If they claim he was rebelling and he needed to be marked, that's not allowed.
  17. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Warriorsfury in DarkRP, 5 min or 5 years?   
    Wow I hate you, atleast give me cash if I can get this verified.
  18. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    How about making it a slayable offense. Where that, if they are to do so to two or more people for no given reason, they can be slain. If they claim he was rebelling and he needed to be marked, that's not allowed.
  19. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Chrono in Member Re-Submissions   
    The following has been added to the Member Submission Guidelines:
    "Members are allowed to provide a toward a re-submission under the reasoning that the applicant left XenoGamers to join another clan. 10/11/2013"
    Thread is no longer necessary, and as such it will be #Closed
    ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  20. Like
    Brian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in [Suggestion] Community Singing Event   
    Kinda like this, except with xG's voices. I think it could be fun, but we'd need a song first.
  21. Ding!
    Brian reacted to MuffinMonster in HE'S BACK   
  22. Agree
    Brian reacted to Unger_D in HE'S BACK   
  23. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Chrono in HE'S BACK   
  24. Agree
    Brian reacted to LeToucan in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    voteslay muffin +1
  25. Friendly
    Brian got a reaction from Priggles in SSFebreze   
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