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  1. Agree
    Brian reacted to LeToucan in RIP Breaking Bad   
    Russia invades and everyone dies. The end.
  2. Smelly
    Brian reacted to MineCrack in RIP Breaking Bad   
    Is this a t.v. show?
  3. Smelly
    Brian got a reaction from MagicalPurple in RIP Breaking Bad   
    It's all ogre.
  4. Sad
    Brian got a reaction from FacepalmMute in RIP Breaking Bad   
    It's all ogre.
  5. Smelly
    Brian reacted to MagicalPurple in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    Someone made a thread about me in that section ;D! I'm popular <3
  6. Agree
    Brian reacted to Genesis in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
  7. Informative
    Brian reacted to diabeetus in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    In my opinion, making a serious subsection anonymous would just encourage people to troll even more. Let's just temporarily create a public debate subforum for 1-2 weeks, and see how it goes. If people are being trolls to the point of ruining the subforum then we just close it down. To be honest I don't really see why people are so afraid to post more serious topics in General, if people troll or argue excessively then forum ban them for said trolling/instigating.
  8. Optimistic
    Brian reacted to DrLee in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    I agree, a debate/conversation sub forum would be interesting to beta test.
  9. Agree
    Brian reacted to Rhododendron in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    How about this: I will setup a blog integrated with the forum that will be completely moderated and whatnot. Would that be beneficial towards you guys?
  10. Winner
    Brian reacted to Jaybreeze in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    why dont you just leave him gagged
  11. Informative
    Brian reacted to xGShadowSpy in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Once again, he doesnt do this "all the time" (You never play so you wouldnt know even if he did). He just started this yesterday (and hasnt done it today.)
    He started doing this yesterday because me, him, and a few others went on another server and were laughing about how people on xG only care if its the N word and not any other type of racism, then after that he kept saying it.
  12. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Forest in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
  13. Optimistic
    Brian reacted to kona309 in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    General chat behaviour has been that of a 12 Year old, tacked onto the constant admin chat spam when im on. The nigger bind should be deleted, As a member of xG, you are asked to represent yourself and this clan positively, and a bind used to break 2 server rules in one should be a sign enough hes not mature enough to handle being a member of xG.
    In addition, ive seen him on a few occasions calling mods and admins names. I understand they are usually in fun, but when your asked to stop, do it.
    I agree with Diabeetus, 1-3 days is plenty fair. +1 and a +1 for a demotion consideration.
  14. Agree
    Brian reacted to diabeetus in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    So just because people don't complain about someone blatantly breaking the rules it's ok? Seems legit.
  15. Agree
    Brian reacted to xGShadowSpy in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He was gagged multiple times, and I warned him, as I said if i saw him doing it again I would kick him, not to mention the fact nobody ever complained (You included). Also, You are NEVER on and he just started this today, you're just mad because we kept picking bad maps.
    Still funny how you make a ban request on him, all you did was troll when you were on.
  16. Informative
    Brian reacted to diabeetus in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1. It's getting seriously out of hand as of recently. I've had to gag him several times today for spamming nigger. Despite me gagging/kicking him several times he isn't seeming to get the message to stop. xG members shouldn't be acting like this and we need to put a stop to it. A 1-3 day ban would be appropriate in my opinion. It isn't just today, I've gagged him plenty of times in the past for spam.
    EDIT: I understand he's been gagged, but he clearly doesn't care and just isn't getting the message to stop. The screenshots below are of his chat from only the past 6 hours.

  17. Agree
    Brian reacted to xGShadowSpy in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1, he ended up getting gagged for it then stopped, hes still on and if he does it again he'll get kicked.
    EDIT: Not to mention the fact you said "every time he's on" when you never play
  18. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Ribbit in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   

    Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name:

    xG:HAPWHS| Hex Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:39599996 Rules Broken:

    Spam;Racism Evidence:

    (Bla bla bla every time he's on he just spams nigger, and all his pointless binds.)
  19. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Ribbit in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Ya-no. Every time I am on he does it, and he does get gagged after like 50 times. And then once he's ungagged just continues, and you guys don't even do anything about it.
  20. Smelly
    Brian reacted to Ribbit in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    So him getting gagged/warned/maybe kicked all the time for him spamming his binds isn't probation?
  21. Disagree
    Brian reacted to John in Previously banned player.   
    Serious forms of abuse result in permanent bans and immediate demotion. But, she was a Co-Leader so they have more leniency. I just thought we had banned her but I guess I remembered incorrectly...
    Anyways, I'm just going to go ahead and close this as I was mistaken.
  22. Optimistic
    Brian reacted to diabeetus in RIP Breaking Bad   
    Only on episode 5.
    Of season 1.
    inb4 everything is spoiled.
  23. Like
    Brian got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Only posting here to avoid a shitstorm   
    Ok, what now?
  24. Agree
    Brian reacted to Vector in RIP Breaking Bad   
    It's okay. we'll get through this together.
  25. Informative
    Brian got a reaction from Forest in Member Re-Submissions   
    Look, if they leave, it's on their own accord, and should be treated as such. They just want to hang it with their friends, and you can't blame them for that. I say if the leave on a personal note, they can always be accepted. It's just those who were kicked out, then regulation is needed. Most of the clan members aren't loyal, they've begun to doubt why their still here.
    If anything, this decision will only hurt [xG] more than it helps. I just want people to be able to rejoin on their own time, not that they leave and go somewhere for a few months, decide they want to play video games again, and learn they can't rejoin the clan because of some idiot rule. No other clan that I can think of has this rule, and their servers have 10x the number of members playing in them. I could understand if we had a surplus of members coming, but right now, we need all the members we can get.
    Instead of doing that, why don't we allow a -1 reason to be "Joined another clan and left this one." We can filter out who we don't want, and decide who we want to keep. It shouldn't be that hard, and people would love it. The way we have now just isn't cutting it.