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Everything posted by easy

  1. I know, I'm saying he's already on probation for the mass freekill, and then this, even though this isn't really abuse, as much disrespect.. but still..
  2. easy

    Tarin and Rabid

    He doesn't have powers, and he did leave xG... This was when he had it though, I think...
  3. easy

    Tarin and Rabid

    2 things, 1: How do you see the "[sM] shaduhasdiausdh" stuff? I thought it was mods+ only... 2: Didn't rabid (monica) lose his powers?
  4. Yeees +1 He gravedigged a post from october...
  5. Am I immature because I lauged at "doo doo head" ?
  6. Yes, mick, I'm always telling people to shut up about your voice and jerrys voice, because they're fine. If anyone does anything or says anything, tell me. I'll come in there and straighten them out. If that doesn't work, then there is always the helpful ban hammer.
  7. +1, Clearly attempting to kill you. and DID kill the other T multiple times.
  8. Nighty, you mass freekilled yesterday, now this? Sorry.. +1
  9. easy

    Cellspam Freeday?

    I guess I know where you're coming from, and I shouldn't of flipped on you. I just don't like it when people criticize others when they don't even know...
  10. easy

    Cellspam Freeday?

    Akio, I never said the mods, I said ME. You are just accusing mods of not doing there job, which is angering me. You don't know what the mods do. We could be talking in admin chat, private messaging, e.t.c. You would never know unless it was directed to YOU! @Cari I wasn't out of line, I AM tired of people criticizing mods+, saying they don't do there job, or they suck at it e.t.c. When they don't KNOW! They have no clue. We deal with trolls, and rule breakers on a daily basis. They don't know how stressful it is dealing with rule breakers, and people complaining every single day. YOU of all people should know where I'm coming from...
  11. easy

    Cellspam Freeday?

    Akio, I'm tired of people like you, criticizing all mods+ in xG. We enforce it the best we can, everytime I'm on an cell spam happens, if I'm a CT, I look over at the buttons if it's spammed, and see the person closest, and then check console to see if that same person was on the [bUTTON SPAM] Thing. Just because you don't hear us on mic, doesn't meen we aren't doing anything. We can do stuff without involving EVERYONE in the server. e.g. Private messaging them, steam messaging them, e.t.c. Also, to your "P.S." thing, It's hard because in most cases, armory has to be opened by a button, so that goes into [bUTTON SPAM] and a whole bunch of people use it, also to open doors and such. So don't make accusations without fully understanding the process. kthx.
  12. He's already unbanned... No need for this thread...
  13. easy

    Sup xG?

    OMFG, I REMEMBER YOU, DO YOU REMEMBER ME?!?! <3 I remember when you were mod... Good times...
  14. easy

    Cellspam Freeday?

    Because you have powers silly. Mods+ can see it...
  15. +1 This is what I said to him. Me: Jill, calm down. Me: I'm tired of you spamming forums with non-sense Me: It's tiny little things you're whining and complaining about Me: Get over it. Me: k? He hasn't responded yet.
  16. Duckii, just do it now! Look at member protest, he's half the page! AND makes pointless threads, CONSTANTLY.
  17. easy

    For mullin

    Thiss ^ Also, Jill, don't take a lot of offense to this, but you get whiny and complain over EVERY little thing. Like you've made member protests, and ban requests, over the littlest things, like c'mon, it's a game, deal with it. Like I would understand if it was a mass freekiller, or hacker, or something, but it was over the tiniest things and you could've just let it be, or tell a mod+.
  18. Why member protest, WHY?! He's not in this clan. loool.
  19. easy

    Split the JB server?

    Don't apologize, it's completely understandable, and I get where you're coming from. I was just stating from a mods+ point of view :)
  20. - 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  21. Heeey, I remember you, don't know if you remember me. I think I know why you weren't on.. but I'm not 100% sure..