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Everything posted by easy

  1. It was one hour. Get over it. Only make ban protests for bans about 6 hours or more.
  2. easy


    You had the ban coming. I wasn't there for the slay/teamban, but I was there for the server ban. You kept spamming chat saying "I did nothing wrong, I was abused" "I did nothing" e.t.c. He told you to drop it, and you continued. No way was this abuse. -1
  3. Permission to ♥♥♥♥ over N03?
  4. easy

    [Ban Protest]Oscar

    Thisthisthis. Remember when xavien banned netex because he was raging at him over steam? That wasn't IN-GAME. So, the thread oscar made wasn't in-game either, so why ct ban him? For "Inferring" he was going to do something? That's plain idiotic. No offense who ever said to ban oscar. If I said "I'm gonna go & mass freekill" but didn't, and the reason was "I'm untrustworthy" I wouldn't of done ANYTHING. +1 to unban him. Or atleast shorten it from perm.
  5. I personally think it's the N03 kids.
  6. easy


    ^Don't like us, don't bother being here.
  7. easy


  8. easy


    It's not that, It's just that the way you're acting like "I always get picked on" or whatever, you're making it seem like you're the ONLY one who has that problem, when most people here do as well. I myself, don't get picked on, nor do I pick on others. I may look like a person who picks on people, but I don't. I may say a couple things, but not directly to them. And When I say it, I feel terrible afterwards. Just try to calm down a little more with threads & posts about you getting picked on, unless it's obvious that you need some help on how to get through it.
  9. ~Closed -sealed away in the last great time war -whatever the hell billy says -STDInfected Jokes, I'm a noob.
  10. easy


    Requesting a close on this thread, please & thanks.
  11. I call being able to still aboose on pyro. <3 btw, congrats all!
  12. easy


    +1 to unban netex, amiright? Now, on topic; I like to lick my finger, press it to my butthole, and make it sizzle. Now, slightly more on topic; Everyone here is wrong, because I am more superior to all of you. Jokes. What Trif said is EXACTLY correct. Xavien is the nicest person in this game, imo. Whenever I join game he ALWAYS says "Hey josh, you're beautiful" He never disrespects people unless he gets disrespected first. I'm guessing because the WHOLE convo wasn't posted, duke said something, and xavien just retaliated. Xavien imo, is the best moderator there is. He's active, knows rules inside out (as well as most mods+) & everyone, or atleast most people enjoy talking with him. Duke, you and me are great friends, in this game. I remember the first time I played the game with you, it was on lunar. It was like 10ish people on. I was warden, and you wwere like "her di dupr de durp, I'm cute", and I liked you. I told you to apply for xG, and I helped you get into it. I'm glad you got into xG, and I hope you stay in for a while. Also I hope you get moderator because I think you'll be a great asset. (Promoting duke to be mod? I think so.) You and me became good friends, even though you were a poop face<33 Buut I know you, and I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt someone unless they did something to you first, but that's the same with xavien. I'm not +1ing, nor am I -1ing. Because I don't see any proof of you NOT saying anything, and I don't see anything about xavien doing something that wouldn't cause him to retaliate... tl;dr: Neither duke, nor xavien are correct here, and duke & xavien are both cute<3
  13. easy


    You said specifically in your last member submission; "I'm never going to apply here again, you guys are assholes" -1
  14. easy


    You guys make me want to go behind a house, grab the hose, stick it in my pants, turn it on, make it look like I peed in my pants, and then take a dookie on someone's chest. All that because you are douche bags
  15. easy


    ^We've established that.. jeez.
  16. easy


    -1 C-C-C-C- COMBO BREAKER!! Jokes. >Had problems >Fixed them >Became a nice guy >Joining xG >+1
  17. easy


    Silly duke, I already +1'd you. And For you questioning whether or not I did, I change me +1 to a -1. Come at me queer. Wuuv wu duke<33 My +1 stands & All the people saying he disrespects, he disrespects me the most, LOL. But He does it because he's jealous of me. <33 He does it in a joking manner, not to cause harm or anything.
  18. ouu, tough guy can hurt me :D Jokes. Thaanks. I'll only be gone for 1week. That's enough studying, amiright?
  19. Alright, I wanna see it for myself though.
  20. I'm done arguing, maybe if I play with you, and you prove that you don't troll, I'll reconsider.
  21. I don't have proof . So what? It's my opinion. get over it.
  22. Otherworldly, may I point out, all the HG players who come into our server mass fk and flee? Go look at the ban logs. All the people with [HG] are perm'd for "Breaking server rules" Now, on topic; T3k, minus a few bad seeds are a great clan. I say if drank gets a punishment in T3k and whoever aegean talked to gets one too, that this all be resolved and everyone except drank jr, gets unbanned.
  23. idgaf about what happened with chicken? And I have played with aragon in-game. He trolls. Maybe not a lot but he trolls.
  24. I need to study for my exams coming up. I'll miss all of you. I talked to most of you on steam, and I'll miss EVERYONE. I'll probably be back in a week or month NOTE; I am NOT leaving xG, you may remove my moderator for the time of my absence, and it's up to you if I get it back when I return, which I will. EDIT; I'm not leaving 'till christmas break is over. So I'll still be playing 'till the 9th of january. I might also be on a bit. Maybe 30min a day. But I'll be on forums
  25. ^This. Kevin, you should've realized your mistakes and apologized on the first post you made. Who cares if you just read your posts, you made them didn't you? Were you wearing a blindfold and randomly pressing keys? You should've known to keep your mouth shut, instead of digging your grave deeper.