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Everything posted by easy

  1. Thanks, so much. I didn't even expect this. Thanks everyone! 'Gratz to the rest too! <3 STEAM_0:0:592534
  2. easy


    Mine are better..
  3. easy


    Well.. ;) NAAAH, But I got nipples like a god. They're like a greek god threw up on them, while masturbating to desperate housewives & making wafflez. I can make lesbians & straight men go for me..
  4. easy


    Think you're tough? <3 I did that too.
  5. easy


    +1 huur de duur, lemme see some e-boobs that I'll never see in real life. Dis guuy mite get a hard one from some e-boobs but can't get off. huur de duur derp de derp. Btw, ms.snackbar, I would just like to point out, I was the first person to show my ass on tinychat, my witnesses: Peechis & Slippery. (My ass is the secret 8th wonder of the world) :$
  6. easy

    Ct banned?

    I banned you for 2 reasons. I only wrote down freekilling because that was what got you ctbanned. 1: You were NOT with T's. 2: You freekilled 1 or 2 T's.. I banned properly, wait it out. It's only 1 more hour.
  7. easy

    Website Moved

    It's a lot faster.. Good choice..
  8. Or Instead of posting a ban request, you could either talk to said person/people on steam, or just make a thread asking for them to stop, & if it continues, then post a ban request...
  9. 3 Things. 1: How come you NEVER post in correct format? Do you just think you don't need to? It's there for a reason. Use it. 2: You're really going to get butt hurt of him doing that, when there is TONS of other people doing it, and you really just choose joshi, when there are plenty of other eager others? 3: This was done on forums, NOT servers. The most he'd get would be a forum ban for 1 day.. if even. -1
  10. ^This. *cough* drank jr *cough*
  11. easy

    favorite person

    ^see what I did there? My favs: netex, daz, drank jr, oscar, aaron, rexx, & pee in sinks. LOL, Imagine? My real favs: Pyro, trif, otherworldly<3, ben, herpes, penguin, snackbar, hagrid (Duke), papi, poncher, rabid, chicken, colour, arthman, aegean, duckii, & definatly NOT silence<3. EDIT: 800th POST!
  12. easy

    [ADMIN ABUSE] Duckii

    LOL, No one is going to read white chat, so just highlight it..
  13. easy


    +1 He's NEVER on, or atleast very rarely.. He always ab00ses...
  14. Memer Name: EZKill Admins Name: [xG:C] Duckii Your In-Game Name: [xG:M|R] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr] Abuse Description: Well, I was in the minigames server, and as I was about to leave, I said "Colourful, kick me.. No, ban me.." He then goes to say "kk". He kicks me, with the message "Bai". So I come back, and say "Colourful, you were supposed to ban me" he says ":l" Duckii then goes "!ban E.Z. 10 "stfu"" I would like to know what gives her the nerve to ban me, when I directly asked for colourful to do it.. I'm outright furious. I didn't want my 7th ban to be from duckii, I wanted it from colourful<3 Player Effect: Just me. Proof: Well, I'm a baddie & didn't record my gameplay, so just take my word, and colourful's word on this, kk? If you didn't get it by the sarcastic typing, and this being in random, this is fake. I love duckii<3
  15. I know there are some mods/admins who need some work, but don't blame aegean, it's not entirely his fault. The community could've vouched for that person to be promoted, or the division leaders might of told them. I'm pretty sure you think one of the bad mods out there is me, and I'm fine if you think that, everyone has different opinions. You and me weren't that fond of each other, but I'm going to miss having a good player gone, even if we didn't get along. Cya soon, maybe.
  16. easy


    By him saying "+1 me, see how I do" That's showing he's ready, & mature enough, if he screws up, he'll take the consequences ...
  17. easy


    Holy ♥♥♥♥ jay, you're on a role with good posts <3 MajorB, although he might be a douche at some points, people DO provoke him... Jay was right, grow up, so what if he said something meen to you, it's the internet, not everyone is going to be nice to you, but if people go out of there way just to harass you (Like majorb says I do to him, no clue why) demo it, and show us some MORE proof. I get he does disrespect people, and he needs to chill, but no use kicking him out... -1 To removal from xG +1 for a ban for day-week to chill out..
  18. easy


    Oh really? LUIS Look at what aegean said, keep him banned. -1
  19. People who remind me of 3 different people: 1: Hagrid 2: Grizzly Adams 3: Chewbacca *cough* Duke *cough* <33
  20. -1. LOL. Major, you disrespect EVERYONE. Someone gets warden, you're like "STFU, I got warden you piece of ♥♥♥♥" And then I proceed to private message you saying "Calm down, it's a game. I don't want anymore disrespect from you" which then leads major to say "E.Z. STOP HARASSING ME"
  21. easy


    -1 Biggest troll ever. I haven't seen you improve one bit.
  22. easy


    You people saying "-1 he's not mature enough", I have to ask, what are you talking about? So what if he's 14? Vero Jr (Suave Panda) is 12.. Mick NEVER freekills, and if he does, he slays himself, so all the -1's for that are invalid. It is true, he gets angered easily, and he needs to work on that, but C'mon, we've given worse people moderator, with a worse temper. (Not naming names) Also, you're all saying he grabbed attention to his moderator post, so you're -1ing. That's pretty dumb, considering atleast 5-10 times a day, I get members or non-members telling me to either +1 the member submission, or moderator submission. If you people say he's not mature enough, how the ♥♥♥♥ did I get mod? I'm less mature than him.. I swear all the time in the server. LOL. On a scale of 1 - 10, on how mature he is, (1 being lowest, and 10 being highest) I give him an 8... @kbshooter: wtf are you talking about? LOL. +1, Good luck bud.
  23. easy


    This was a justified ban, and smoker did nothing wrong. I say you close this thread, because no abuse happened.