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Everything posted by easy

  1. Well, at about 13000 ticks, when you thought he was walling, those headshots were a bit iffy...
  2. I watched the video, and I agree, there were some suspicious shots. But, we aren't 100% sure if it's hacks or skill. But, at 13000 ticks, that was suspicious walling and aimbotting. Duckii is like the hacker person, you could say. She can tell if people hack or if it's skill. She thought it was hacking, so she banned you. It did look as if you were aimbotting, and walling. I'm at a 0 right now, because I can't really tell...
  3. I said that because they're known for saying ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ remarks ;)
  4. I know, and he didn't argue. See the difference from "STFU PUPPY, YOU CAN T BE WARDEN YOU ♥♥♥♥ING PRE-PUBESCENT KID" and "Puppy, I'm sorry but you can't be warden because you are to young"
  5. Alright, I don't know about all of you, but I for one, am sick and tired of someone posting a thread, and it getting blown WAY out of proportion. Can't people just settle it in a non flaming way... Like, I'm tired of going into a thread, just to see people raging at each other. Why must everyone find a way to cause a fight. I'm not going to name names, but lets just say it rhymes with, candyflewman, drifdign, and len mover. Now, those 3 could've simply just stated their opinion, and then responded in a kind manner. But NO. They had to start "shitstorms". If people are going to post in a thread, can you TRY, to post with some respect? Unless you're colour or jay, you shouldn't be massively flaming people. If you don't have something to say that WON'T cause a shitstorm, DON'T say it. Simple as that. Or just say it in a kinder way. e.g. "omfg, there's so much new badmins on this server, I know people who could do waay better" You could instead say "Well, I think some of the new moderators aren't doing a proper job, and I think I know people who could do better, based on my observations". Which one is better? Like, I understand there is some moderators who aren't very good (New at this, and need some help) but we've got to work with them, and teach them what to do. You expect them to be perfect in the first week or two? If you do, you're a moron. I've been moderator since late august, I'm like to "Coach" you could say, to the new mods. I try and help them to the best of my abilities. All these members who are saying they could do better, have absolutely NO clue whatsoever. You have to constantly deal with whiny players complaining. I get ATLEAST 5 - 10 people A DAY, saying in admin chat "omg, you suck at your job. you're not even watching, and they're getting away with everything, e.t.c." Plus, you have to deal with life, which most people don't have. :D I'm currently failing 2 of 4 of my classes. The 2 that I'm passing, I'm getting a 55, and 58 in. But you know what, I don't mind it. I'm helping the community. Although, don't get me wrong. My first priority is real life. Me failing isn't JUST this groups fault, I'm also pretty dumb. :p Either way, I got off topic. I'm saying, we should all try and be a little nicer with what we post. You don't wanna get trolled, so don't troll in the first place.
  6. Is it wrong I fapped to this? :$
  7. easy


    He doesn't HAVE to donate, it's just, an extra boost? Either way, I never donated..
  8. I don't get it cari, I ♥♥♥♥ everyone off. Yet I'm mod. Does that make me godly? I think so.
  9. easy

    Dear xG and others

    Mine was better, t'was more organized. Jokess, good job. I'm glad to have you in this clan with me.
  10. easy


    +1 for demotion to non-member, amiright? Joookes, wuuv you dukey +1
  11. For a 10 year old, you seem smart. I don't even know how to do ^^ buut, I always slay you in-game, and tell you not to do things, e.g. Break vents, freekill, being away from t's e.t.c. Maybe if I see some improvements, I'll +1 in the future, but as of now, it's a -1. I'm sure if you show me you know the rules, I'll +1.
  12. easy


    Actually , it's kill 2 or more then leave . Also , this is his first time , unban him ONCE .. C'mon . You guys are getting waaay too mad ..
  13. It's not a virus? I just downloaded it...
  14. Herpes, it wasn't really abuse, as much as it was a threat. He NEVER slayed him. Just told him NOT too. Which I think was kinda fair, given the time in the round (a couple mins past 0:00) it was delaying the round, but also what colour said, ben COULD'VE said it nicer, instead of "Do chicken fight again, and I'll slay you" I know colour, and he would've been ok with it.
  15. easy


    I'm just confused... You say "I'll come back when all the drama and trolls are gone" yet, you cause MORE drama, by doing this.. Although, this is quarantines FIRST time, and ben got two. Give him a chance to redeem himself, but keep him banned for a week or two. But DEFINATLY don't give him mod back if he re-joins, because we don't want ANOTHER ben... +1 EDIT: Btw, I meen benrapelisberger, not ben dover.
  16. Yeah, I said that.. Silence was using the nuke, so I said "Silence, let's do the mom get me a condom thing" so, yeah. If you can LISTEN, you silly goose, you'd hear me.. :p
  17. easy


    Waait, I'm confused... Xeno Gamers
  18. I said and MUCH more. aand Thanks rageway... <3
  19. Noo, it was just to thank everyone in xG...
  20. Oh shake <33 aand Penguin, chat me tomorrow...
  21. Dear xG: I've been playing on the servers since february, and joined xG in late may. Ever since then, it's been like my second home, comforting me, making me feel special e.t.c. The people in this clan, are so nice. I can talk to any one of you. I've had such great times with everyone, and I love every single one of you (in a non-erotic way). You're all so nice too me, even when you put me down, out of fun<3 The people in xG There's so many people I have made friends with here: Aegean, Rosser, KingJ, Mohammed, Pyro, Unique, Xavien, DuckiiJr, Duckii, VeroJr (Hudson Jr), Duke, Herpes, Serbian, Billy, Peechis, Drank (Even though those two aren't in xG anymore), Smoker, Rexx, Cari, Trif, Ben (Mayeski), Canadia, Papi, Poncher, Penguin, Yurkoon Jr, Mick, Vero, Ero, Kenny, Otherworldly, High Plains, Hudson, Chrono, Tarin, Nivek, Arthman, Admiral Snackbar, Shake, Russian and SO much more. You've all had a special place in my heart, and that will never change. I'm glad I met all of you, and that's the truth. The troubles I had so much troubles in xG, like the first time I got banned, around april, for being in illumin. Aegean helped me so much, he told me how to get unbanned, and then helped me become a member... Then when I became a member, I was so happy, I finally had a place to go, where I was welcome, and treated properly. I felt so good to have the [xG] tag, to show off I was apart of a great clan. Then I joined xG Rebels, with aegean, and I became the best rebel out there (Waay before any of the new rebels). Every round, I'd rebel, and kill all the ct's. Later on, I started wanting to get moderator, because xG started getting more and more popular, causing more rule breakers. I tried so much to get it, e.g. Being super active on forums, TS & the servers. Then aegean came up with the moderator submission, after like 4 months of me trying to get moderator :p. I made a submission about a week after it came up, and I had so many supporters<3 I was waiting and waiting for the promo/demo, and guess what! I didn't get mod. So I waited another week, and my name wasn't up there, so I decided to talk to aegean, it was awkward, because I didn't want to seem like I was trying to bully him into giving me mod, but on the other hand, I didn't want to act like a pushover. Then aegean finally told me he'd put my name up there, and I was EXTATIC. I was finally going to get to wear the xG:M tag, and I couldn't be happier. Moderator I got moderator now, and It's great. I can finally slay people who break rules, and ban people. I still remember my first ban, it was on jailbreak, on canyondam. It was tencoderiot. For bad spray logo, and trolling. It was a 1week ban. As the time went on, moderator got harder and harder because then you weren't "The new mod, who is just getting used to it", you were the experienced mod, who shouldn't screw up. I've been going good against the trolls and rule breakers, e.t.c. I'm handling it well, atleast, I think so. And I'm so happy with all the new promos, seeing all the new mods. I especially like teaching them how to do the job. It's the best part of this. Leading others to be great, and be a role model for all the members, and even the non members. Anyways, I made this thread to dedicate everyone who's been there for me, also to xG, for giving me a place to be myself, and not be scared of what people say. Please, no trolling on this thread. Thanks, EZKill
  22. easy


    Ghostbusters, I haven't played with you in a LONG time. When I did though, you were immature, a troll, and disrespectful. I'm not -1ing, or +1ing yet. Maybe after a couple times I see you in-game, and actually have a chance to game with you. Also, I want to see an improvement on your behaviour since I last gamed with you, alright?
  23. easy


    lool, I said I'd revive it penguin ;)