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Everything posted by easy

  1. easy


    2 Things. 1: Maasie is a guy 2: Maasie always mic spams, and I always have to mute him. It gets so annoying. He was breaking rules as a moderator though..
  2. xavien, he said he DOESN'T want mod. So lets give him what he wants.
  3. We've had this already. gg.
  4. +1 Remove from xG, and ban from all servers for a couple weeks. We don't need trolls like him, making xG look bad. We need role-models here in xG, and kevin is making xG seem like a place for trolls, which is NOT what we want.
  5. -1 NO WAY. He doesn't deserve mod.
  6. easy


    I'm back from my cousins, and ready to get back to moderating. I missed all your little asses <3
  7. For all we know, he could toggle. But, next time, tarin, or anyone else, record the hacker, then show to a division leader, or co-leader. They always have the final call here, when I was going to ban a hacker for aimbotting, billy told me to record the person, and show him after, and I was told it WASN'T aimbotting. See how people can screw up (Me)? It's that easy. Just record and when/if they post a ban protest, put the demo in, or just show a div/co-leader the demo before the ban, so if said person makes a ban protest, they WON'T get unbanned. Back on topic; I wasn't on the server at the time, because I was at my cousins for the holidays & I'm never on surf. I can't decide if he was hacking or not hacking. I have no clue what to do, so I'm at a 0. Let the higher-ups decide.
  8. You had me, up until that.
  9. No offence silence, but this is dumb... now we're going to get new people donating who don't even know rules, could buy it. I think we're just going to get a lot more abusers....
  10. Funniest Member: Rabid Best Warden: Smoker Best Rebeller: Trif Most likely to die by a door: DuckiiJr Best shooter with an AWP: Duckii Best JB Map: vipinthemix Best Minigame Map: Two towers Best Sub-Clan: Peechis Love (Even though peechis left) Favorite Member in xG: xavien, herpes, aegean, duckii, duckiijr, hudson, vero jr, goodlolipop, poncher, jay, colour, papi, ben dover, trif, pyro, dysprosium, chicken, rabid e.t.c. Most mature member: DysprosiumJD, or otherworldly Best young member (15 and under): Vero jr, penguin, duckiijr goodlolipop, e.t.c. Rich: ? Sexiest person: Hudson Most lovable: Hudson Most forum posts: DuckiiJr. Most abusive mod/admin: Benrapelisberger Most fun to play with: Silence Most rejected: Daz Best Canadian: All canadians, because we're cute <3 Best/Meaningful posts: Otherworldly, Dysprosium.
  11. Everyone who is -1ing because "What he did with smoker" is idiotic. Note; I'm saying what you said was idiotic, not that person directly But, what's happened has happened. People change, and how can he prove he changed if you just keep -1ing him for something he's already served his punishment(s) towards? Everyone.. This is the only time you're going to see ANYONE say this. Jay, what you wrote, is completely correct. Everyone should read jay's post and LEARN from it.
  12. Glenn, I helped you get unbanned, I tried to help you here, but then you just took a motha fukin ALL CAPS RAAAAAGE. Glenn, read what you wrote, and think "Hmm, is there any way I could've said that nicer?" and smoker, why are you trying to make it seem as if glenn is at a lower level than you, when In-fact, THIS IS THE INTERNET. No one is higher than others here. You need to quit with putting smoker at the bottom of the tribal pole. Smoker, You know I love you, but I hate it when people put others below themselves because they think they're better than them. I don't care if you were a mod, and he was just a "sociopath" as you would say. He's at the same level as you. AND everyone should stop bringing up the Glenn trolling smoker thing, because that's not even relevant anymore. He served his time, and recieved a kick from xG. And btw rosser he meens after his ban was up, it was 2 weeks, then tried another submission, and then this was 1 months...
  13. You and Me don't like each other, do we? Oh well... Maybe we can start fresh soon...
  14. easy


    Then I was mistaken with the "talking with you" part. But, It was kind of spamming, even if it WAS on topic. Either way, I'm still 0 till I play with you in-game again...
  15. easy

    Sleep's Ban Appeal

    .#GetMad made me mad (STEAM_0:1:40361086) 12/26/11 3:02 am 12/26/11 3:02 am Permanent 120 STEAM_0:1:35694794 Ask a mod or admin in-game to unban you, unless a higher-up says otherwise, and if they don't believe you, tell them to come here..
  16. easy


    You did spam forums a bit. I had to tell you to stop before, I believe.
  17. easy


    Yeah, post the other videos. This just shows 1 freekill...
  18. easy

    Cya xG..

  19. LOL, Everyone is copying me :D P.S. YOU FORGOT ME YOU DOUCHE EDIT: LOL, Gravedig, kinda? Amiright?
  20. easy


    Uhmm, I don't remember the last time I played jailbreak with you, so next time I see you, I'll see how you are. For now, It's a 0 :)
  21. I'm going to my cousins till friday. See you then! Btw, I'll probably still be on forums.
  22. easy

    [DC] vs [R]

    Just admit your love for me.
  23. easy

    [DC] vs [R]