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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. easy


    -1. I highly doubt you were taking your anger out because your mom died. If she did, I'm sure you'd be doing different things OTHER than playing CS:S.
  2. easy

    Hai :)

    Hi there, wanna shake my hand *extends hand to shake*
  3. easy


    Gravedig, amidoingitright? Either way, I change my 0 to a +1
  4. THIS IS WHAT I'M SAYING! It's basically like, we're showing people, they can troll massively, and mass freekill e.t.c. and then be unbanned because "We should give them another chance".. NO. That's plain incompetance. Why would we unban people that break OUR rules. We have them for a reason. If we unban people like this, it's going to show that we're a flip flop clan (We ban people, then unban them to give them a chance) and I will not stand for it. If he gets unbanned, that is BULL ♥♥♥♥. I say we take a stand here. No more. NO MORE. Like, I'd +1 if it was just for the freekill, but read the link I put. NO WAY will I stand for that.
  5. What you guys keep saying is dumb. "We gave netex and daz chances" Yeah, and look how great those turned out...
  6. True xavien, but I don't think we need ANOTHER person like this. Trolls will never learn if they keep getting unbanned. EDIT: 700th POST
  7. easy


    Zehdari was banned from all servers, except mc, if I'm correct, and it was for him taking back the money he used to donate....
  8. All you people who +1'd this... batman ^^^ Should change your vote...
  9. -1 Don't need him on the servers. He's a troll, and a dumb one at that.
  10. Vicious, I know he got demoted already, I'm just stating that I was changing what I said. I never said it was going to count for anything ;)
  11. easy

    Finish the story!

    and then it happened..... THE END. TaaDaa
  12. He does talk to himself, I've seen it. He's just like "omg, i'm bored >.<." "dooblie dooblie doo" e.t.c. Also, I'm chaning my +1 to a 0. It's not proven that the person WASN'T talking over warden, and there is no proof that he WAS talking over warden. All you can see is nighty muting him... and him talking to himself...
  13. KEEP THESE NIG NOGS BANNED. Also, I have no ♥♥♥♥ing clue what x-raying is, so ^ ignore
  14. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Low Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
  15. easy


    Dysprosium!?!?!?! Wtf! Gimme a hug <3
  16. easy


    1: Nice spelling ;) 2: You forgot someone, this person makes this whole clan run smoothly, and that person is si- ME!
  17. Jaay, we blacks are takin ovaa, ain't nudin you can do. Btww, Heeey selby, hope you come back, don't mind jay, he's silly.
  18. easy


    I changed my mind, this guy blew me a kiss +1
  19. Arthman, you can check the chat logs...
  20. Arthman, I like you, but you WERE at fault here. Now, you didn't really abuse.. but still. What I said was NOT out of logic, I DO believe you knew what you were doing.. and if you didn't, why not ASK?
  21. easy


    -1 Keep this kid banned. Doing no good for xG...
  22. Arthman, you keep saying the same excuse "You have to do what warden says". That's reasonable for if it's "CT's go over here" or "CT's stop baiting" e.t.c. By your logic, if the warden said "Arthman, freekill all the T's", you'd do that because "You have too"? No.... but There's really not much towards you, it's mostly for chrono.. Like c'mon chrono, you JUST got mod, you shouldn't even be muting @all... you NEVER do that unless it's necessary. You were so excited when you got it, you had all these questions, and I was trying to help you, looks like I didn't help you enough... Chrono, you should've known better.. You really ♥♥♥♥ed up... -1 for demotion, +1 for probation for chrono 0 for arthman.