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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. -1 for being CT Banned, another week of smartening up and that might change to +1.
  2. I hate snackbar cause he never gives out snacks. There I said it, okay?!
  3. Foxxy


    +1, just cause you're cool.
  4. Foxxy


    +1, follows rules well, adequate enough for xG.
  5. Foxxy

    Terrible CT's

    This is a far stretched idea, but a lot of freekills happen when the warden dies and the CTs don't know it's a freeday. Is there some sort of Warden calling script? Kind of like "!boom". Then maybe when the warden dies give it a 15 second timer on the chat so everybody knows at least.
  6. Damn bro that sucks, hope to see you back up soon buddy.
  7. Foxxy

    Zombie Mod.

    We got rid of it!? :(
  8. Foxxy

    Zombie Mod.

    Can we get a Zombie server event please? :(
  9. Foxxy

    Yo fggots

    LoL's better, add me there bros! JamaicanPony
  10. Foxxy

    New last ct music!?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4 GG.
  11. Foxxy


    +1, the guy is a plaque on our servers, he does nothing but argue and cause trouble. I'll be glad to see him gone.
  12. +1, if he doesn't get mod I'll go apepoop.
  13. +1 nasasjasjasjhas Cool guy
  14. Jay I'm so bad right now at LoL, it's unbelievable. I'll add you though.
  15. I'm playing CS:S, TF2, LoL and AVA from time to time. What about you guys?
  16. Foxxy


    -1, he's disrespectful and he fights over small things.
  17. Foxxy


    +1, funny, even funnier when you could use HLDJ. Good guy, knows rules.
  18. Foxxy

    My New Knife!

    Billy Mays here with a bullcrap knife for only 19.99!
  19. Foxxy

    League of Legends

    I'm actually going to download it tonight and play it tomorrow. xG 5man?
  20. Yeah me too bro, just add me or whatever and figure something out, if something bad's going down I'll boot up Fraps, my computer should be fine thanks to Ninjew
  21. Get fraps bro, start recording them.
  22. Damn it Hysteria, we agreed on one thread! Jamaican Business Man, btw.
  23. Foxxy


    +1, give the guy a chance. He's cool, funny and is a decent CT.