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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. I'm sexy and I know it... Wanna find out?
  2. I know this is terrible, but I actually laughed so hard when you said that.. I'm so sorry.
  3. Who cares, it's fap-worthy.
  4. Wasn't it the Sonic one? Or the Leedle one?
  5. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  6. THE BRITISH ARE COMING! Oh it's just mail.
  7. Foxxy

    If Sopa were to pass

    I cried... In my pants.
  8. Foxxy

    What is love?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0 Bangz = Love.
  9. Too bad USA can never afford to arm their infantry with the latest..
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV_6rs6E40I&feature=endscreen&NR=1
  11. Very interesting, bring any souvenirs back to share? :)
  12. Foxxy

    Girls? Or Fakers?

    Having a vagina qualifies for being a woman, so yes.
  13. Should be in random, and yeah I agree, shouldn't even be a thread..
  14. Foxxy


    I might as well ask here, how do I add my steam activity on my profile?
  15. Awesome on CT, Awesome as a T, AWESOME as a member overall. Loyal, fun to have around, would be a good mod in my opinion. +1
  16. Foxxy

    Girls? Or Fakers?

    ....Yes. Something like that.
  17. Foxxy


    Member Name: Foxxy In-Game Name: Anthony Sullivan / HAVE A FREEDAY What game?: CSS Member: Yes Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26250431 00:14 Age: 16 Donated: No Other information: Well first of all, I've been in this clan for a while now and I do not regret a single moment of it. I think it's time I step up to the plate and take the occupation of a Moderator. I do admit that I am not perfect, I sometimes lose my temper on people. (Mainly CTs that do not read the MOTD) and that I have done some bad things but I do believe I have owned up to them. I want nothing but the best for this community, I apply not for personal gain but I am hoping to do some good for everyone. I've been trying to be more active lately on more fronts (Teamspeak, LOL, CSS, etc.) and I think that's been paying off, I've been meeting more and more people every day. I don't want to take up too much of your time, but if you're gonna +1 or -1 me, I would like a credible reason and not just a biased opinion. I'm not asking for vouches, just for you to give me your honest opinion. <3
  18. Foxxy


    So you suggest guys be a douchebag? Alright fair enough. The guy literally tried to be THE NICEST GUY to her. That meant that he listened to her cry when that jerk used her. I'm just saying that a lot of women are absolutely the blindest and dumbest creatures on this planet, they underestimate guys so much, it's insane. Also on a personal note, I don't need advice (don't take that the wrong way) cause I've been with the same girl for a little over two years now. It's the stupidity you see from these teenage girls who refuse to look past what they want to get what they need..
  19. Foxxy

    Girls? Or Fakers?

    Now known as STDs.
  20. Foxxy


    You must be a real hit with the ladies Unique.
  21. Foxxy

    Girls? Or Fakers?

    Should be moved to random. But lotsa fakers. ;)
  22. Foxxy


    Rest assured, you turn me on.
  23. Foxxy


    Like is like a penis, simple, soft, straight, relaxed, and hanging freely. Then women make it hard.