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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. Yeah +1, Pub needs more activity but I think this might help drive it up.
  2. Foxxy

    Website Moved

    Just stop downloading porn Silence, gosh.
  3. So technically shutting down the website and it being censored by your ISP are the same thing. In the idea that you can't access them, so to speak.
  4. memebase.com is all you need, I guarantee it.
  5. I don't know if this has been posted yet. I'm too fat and lazy to use the search function. So I want to know where you guys stand with SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). The Act itself allows copyright holders to challenge the use of their content in any form on the internet. So basically websites like ThePirateBay and other torrent sites would probably immediately shut down. BUT, websites like Youtube are under threat too. Say you post a frag movie with a song that you did not produce, the "rightful" owners of the movie can not only take down the video itself, but file a claim against Youtube. It's utter bullshit if you ask me, gives the copyright holders WAY too much power over it. So do you support it? Or are you against it? Also note I am not trying to start a flame war or anything of that sort, I'm just curious.
  6. Awps should be removed though. Come at me haters.
  7. Foxxy

    Needs moar pub.

    Segway you can stay in Jailbreak, it's fine. I mean it's not like you're the best player around or anything..
  8. Foxxy

    Needs moar pub.

    I find pub to be a lot more simpler. No drama, no bad CTs, no whining. Just bros icing each other, FEEL ME?
  9. Foxxy

    Needs moar pub.

    Stop playing Jailbreak and go on Pub, unless you're a little ♥♥♥♥♥.
  10. Foxxy

    Jokes about members

    Trif's homosexual. I went there.
  11. Take your time Mick, I've been here way longer than you and I realize I'm still not ready to be mod. Like what Snackbar said, take time and don't be in the clan just to be a mod. When you are called upon for the job, you'll know.
  12. I saw Earl in your sig. Disappointed.
  13. Foxxy

    The cutest chick.

    Boxxy is disgusting. Yah come at me haters.
  14. Foxxy

    The cutest chick.

  15. Ah, just old members... They were good guys, still are if you ask me. By the way, how's dying to Anthony Sullivan treating you nub?
  16. I always check for white text. Was not disappointed. :D
  17. Ah my bad, I can be blind at times..
  18. I'm tired of Solo Queue, I went from 1500's to 1200's.. IGN HERE BRUH.
  19. I actually laughed my butt off at the Train Simulator.
  20. ♥♥♥♥ cases, I use zebra duct tape.
  21. [ATTACH]1191.vB[/ATTACH] You're welcome.