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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. +1 Tough Guy. Super tough guy.
  2. One time this noob Heisenberg came on. I left.
  3. Foxxy

    Exam week's over!

    Brb gonna go freekill.
  4. Foxxy


    +1, very nice guy and follows all dem rulez.
  5. Foxxy

    Joshi3's Shit Place

  6. Foxxy

    I am alive

    My... I sure hope I AM ALIVE when this game comes out.
  7. Foxxy

    I am alive

    I remember watching the trailer like what, 4 years ago at least? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUfBJrnrPNg
  8. Foxxy


    Fuck the police. +1
  9. Foxxy

    Bye guys.

    Nobody tell him. He must not know.
  10. Foxxy


    yo ban this guy for trolling.
  11. Foxxy

    Bye guys.

    You're just in denial, I knew you were in tears when you saw the thread.
  12. Gonna go to bed, seeya all tomorrow.
  13. Foxxy


    -1 He stinks and I don't like him. I'm just kidding, +1.
  14. I'm a goat farmer and I approve of this. +1
  15. Foxxy

    SOPA truthfully done

    What?! Support sopa!
  16. Foxxy

    Your boy Bangs.

    Try finding Bangs in the theatre. :D
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5MJbZ4l4J8&ob=av3e
  18. Don't be an immature brat, accept the nice gift or I'll spank you.
  19. Foxxy

    Your boy Bangs.

  20. Mine has sup3r 1337 lightz nd errythang.
  21. Foxxy


    Shameless-self bump :( Thanks guys. <3
  22. From my point of view I am different. :D