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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. Foxxy


    Don't you hate it when they ask where the nice guys are? This chich on Facebook, friendzones the nicest guy. Later that night her status is "Where are all the nice guys?". Damn women, so short sighted and needy.
  2. Foxxy


    Nobody loves you dino.
  3. Talos worship is banned here! But seriously, goodbye Xavien, it's been good knowing ya.
  4. Foxxy


    I actually HATE that word so much... "Derps". Drives me insane.
  5. Foxxy


    I'm trained in the arts of Keyboard Jujitsu, don't mess with me.
  6. Foxxy


    Jonathan is a man of knowledge. And sexiness.
  7. Foxxy


    You always know how to turn me on.
  8. Foxxy


    I personally think smoking's fine, but there is a limit. I, myself do not smoke but I'd say half my friends do. It's irritating but it never changed who they were, so I'm alright with it.
  9. Foxxy

    Have you seen this?

    This is really pathetic actually, I feel terrible.. What kinds of things drive people mad enough to do something like this? I don't even know.
  10. Foxxy


    See you soon buddy! <3
  11. Foxxy


    I don't mean to be a jackass, but Glenn... This is pathetic.
  12. Foxxy

    What does this mean?

    Chrono will now be henceforth known as The Ladies' Man. Ah shit nevermind, she's one of them gold diggers.
  13. I vote for Las Venturas. I haven't really played the game yet (picking it up it again after 3-4 years) so I can't really vote for whichever features.
  14. Anger level is at.... OVER 9000.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1NGkTSGoxo Instead of a "drop" you get a breakdown.
  16. Foxxy

    An idea:

    People should just never get any type of voteban/kick/ct on this server. Ever. Sounds good on paper but it will be abused.
  17. I'm not cool enough, but let me in. +1
  18. Yeah I'm loving what's been posted here, keep it coming guys.
  19. Foxxy


    Active, knows the rules, a very VERY pleasant guy to have around. Has all my support. +1
  20. I haven't been around for that, but it sounds like a really neat idea. What should be done is some sort of minor competitions or raffles for everyone, try and get the whole clan involved in certain things. Or maybe members, mods, admins of the year, etc.
  21. So basically have you ever seen, heard or interacted with anything that inspired you in any way? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJqG8QqL_Is When I saw this video, a couple months back I was inspired to start training to do these amazing tricks just like these guys can. I'm not there yet, but hopefully soon I'll get there. There was also a video that I watched three years ago about cancer (yeayea, it had "I run for life" come at me haters). I can't find it but for the past two years I've done a run for CIBC "Run for the Cure".
  22. Good knowledge of the rules, knows how to have fun. Overall great guy and a good addition. +1
  23. Foxxy


    Good guy, one of the fun "trolls". I love him. <3 Follows rules, knows them DOWN TO THE LETTER. +1 ya beauty.