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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. I have no comment whatsoever and will not determined his future applying the bias-free judgement. Thank you.
  2. Was first introduced to xG around May thanks to Billy.
  3. Peter and Sally were at the market,
  4. +1 Really, really, and I mean REALLY EFFICIENT administrator in maintaining JailBreak. Side Note: Ero was a Co-Leader during the summer last year.
  5. In King J's life, it was average as any illegal Mexican attempting to cross the border, but King.... he was different amongst his brethren. His destiny prevails among all Mexicans leading to a cultural revolution within ourselves and become more rational of Mexicans and their look-a-likes from the Wet Forests of Latin America and South America of their self-made tacos of hard steel and rotting flesh with spreading swine-flu. His destiny, was something so great that God blasted, "Let there be no Mexicans!" in fear and even Obama himself said, "No we can't." The Destiny of a Mexican. Part 1: Crossing the Impenetrable Haven of Cerberus. The day was August 18th, 1997, King J (John <Mexican Last Name>) was gazing at the Rio Grande daydreaming of the American Dream. Of course, this does lead to images of wanderlust and enlightened curiosity about becoming a doctor, but too bad for King, he must crossed the fences and behind it, laid Cerberus, the infamous beast acknowledge as the best Mexican poacher. King J was not foolish and blinded with desire, his intelligent and instincts sparked with painful sensitivity warning him of his possible doom. Afterwards, after many hours of secluding himself in the Uncle Rio's sweatshop, he hatched a plan. The plan was rather simple, and quite stereotypically true, he was going to round up a group and inspire them into crossing the fence with him. Manipulation at its wisest. It took several days of planning and initializing the exact points of attack and time, they finally scheduled it to be at 9 pm, when Cerberus was most likely asleep. King J and his colleagues drove to the Rio Grande, waiting in patience for the right time, they then crossed the river struggling to keep the freezing water below their waist. Sadly, a few Mexicans drowned because of their incapability and inadequate skills of aqua swimming mechanics. King J, and the remnants of his colleagues continued onward up the hill towards the fence. They were tired, but their thoughts and emotions regarding the American Dream was stronger. It was 5 am when they finally accomplished the challenge of crossing the border, meaning their task took 8 hours of achieving, but the final task was at hand, dealing with Cerberus. Traitorously, King J tricked his allies into thinking they can defeat Cerberus with raw strength. King J left his allies without their notice heading onward towards Las Vegas, Nevada. *Jokes are fun, but stories with jokes are better* Not to be continued.
  6. I'm surprised he's even playing CSS JailBreak since hearing is a vital essential concept both as prisoner and warden.
  7. *Raises hand* What is the nature of man, and how is it related to pornography?
  8. Question! Is this class really required for my major?
  9. *Raises hand* Why is there a toilet in the corner of the classroom?
  10. Sup, this was me undercover among the rednecks. [ATTACH]1734.vB[/ATTACH]
  11. *Totally unrelated with topic* The lights are most likely off, or your face just got creamed with a shit load of semen.
  12. ^ True facts, people gain more popularity after their death for some awkward reasons.
  13. The only thing to do in a zombie apocalypse is to survive; that does lead the exception of releasing your unhealthy desires upon your foolhardy aloof allies into pleasuring your lust. Of course, the structure of order is highly based on the behavioral foundation of the populace which is repressed with an authority figure- hence in your situation, it will be called the Government. So, evidently, survival is an essential meaning. I do hope nobody brings their family in the discussion.
  14. Take some time off the computer and take a walk through the park, enjoy the scenery, meet some special girls, exercise, life is more than being in xG.
  15. Every thing in this is correct, especially the part about Aegean. I mean seriously, he smells like a freaking melon for Christ Sake, not mention he's doesn't even bother taking hygienic body check covering his face with all this dirt that appears like make-up. He's been like this since last year. An example: This was my reaction when I saw Aegean showing his real face. [ATTACH]1699.vB[/ATTACH]
  16. Like Serbian said, this seems valid, approved. Thanks.
  17. Primarily, the server belongs entirely to Oreo... so we lost all over power in the Minecraft Division since.... Oreo owns the server. If we ask Silence to give us admin in Oreo's Server, you can clearly see that it's acting as a violation of his ownership. ^ Arthman, I don't know why you kept getting kicked, but you should talked to Oreo about that. lol
  18. Sorry, I may not make the most perfect copy of it, but I will attempt at achieving it. [ATTACH]1668.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. Sorry, I won. ccc[ATTACH]1665.vB[/ATTACH]
  20. So Trif was bald when he was but a young infant, we share a common similarity in hair style.... hehehe
  21. Mad_Scientist


    Always wearing these pair of shoes to formal parties and funerals. [ATTACH]1649.vB[/ATTACH]
  22. Don't think too hard mate. You'll meet the powerful enemy English soon enough. ---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ---------- Nevermind..... facepalm*