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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. Get well soon man, even though we don't talk much; and sadly, all I can go do is support both you and Ms. Snackabar. I hope you guys make up and get together. :> Anyway, Good luck.
  2. Say the word babe and I got this shit.
  3. Son, I don't get why you are apologizing. You shouldn't apologize when the matter involves personal matters, focus on your education instead of xG. xG is just a group, it won't last forever, plenty of other groups like it, but an education... an education is once-in-a-lifetime deal. Don't lose it.
  4. My Spanish Class is really irritating.... I'm currently failing in there because she doesn't bother putting my missing assignments in. I'm going to have a talk with her sooner or later.
  5. The great thread of Rabid's legacy. Nice job.
  6. Mad_Scientist

    Just an idea.

    Quite silly that this issue also popped up last year, but no changes were made to it.
  7. ^ Stated well, the speech of reason is strong within this one.
  8. First of all, this isn't even relatively closed to an admin abuse thread, JB hasn't abused anyone. In addition, this type of scenario should appeal to ban requests. Thank you.
  9. Give him another chance, I used to be a troll but I redeemed myself. :D -1 Agreeing with King.
  10. Love it, accurate, perfected, and spectacular in all of its glorious wonders.
  11. Indeed. Conclusion reached, we will have reasonable and constructive reasons why Netex should be unban. GTFO if you're posting fallacies.
  12. Bro, not to be offensive, but I can't understand a single fucking thing of what you're trying to claim.
  13. -1 This is the internet. Conclusive sir.
  14. My dog died two years ago.... and it wasn't old age crap... he was murdered. T_T
  15. So.... can we still hang out in TeamSpeak? :<
  16. Dr. Serbian, is Kelly going through a phase in which her female hormones are slightly increased to the point her nipples erect? If not, proceed.
  17. Mad_Scientist


    Happy Birthday! You have my congrats.
  18. So... why did you made all the shitty mistakes in your youth? Were you like the other kids with no grasp of what reality in the work force is? Or were you one of those kids who didn't give a fucked. Also, do you regret any decisions you made in your youth?
  19. That's an actual acceptable question, considering the fact of losing your memory and can only recalling your name. I must say, 21.
  20. Sounds like your average complex American family structure with candy rings instead. Bravo.
  21. He's 13, but it's obvious that he's not going to be in xG since he's new.