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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. Mad_Scientist


    Don't worry lads! Girls won't notice you until you take the initiative, you have to be feisty and bold, be aggressive!
  2. A comment of rainbows; both colorful and dangerous at the same time. Excellent.
  3. You know me too well Sunshine.... too well, I might suspect you for being suspicious.
  4. A man becomes blind once drunk with lust.
  5. One should not indulge his lust upon a child.
  6. The ideals of Racism, Stereotype, and Religion is a universal and broad aspect, it harshly depends on one individual's views of such things. Of course, there's always going to be discrimination on the topic, but is best overlook since it's the whole topic is generally personal reflectance and opinions: meaning there's no "answer" or "fact." Merely based on views of petty humans, which characteristics are mostly dependent of looks, instead of depth. So what have we learned today? Don't question shit that most people are tend to argue about. Agreeable, it's offensive, but it's widely accepted as the humor category since most Americans take racist jokes both offensive and laughable.
  7. Chinese Commercial of a Pharmacy
  8. Is this the part where I say she's just butthurt? Anyone?
  9. 666th Post eh...? So.... is he perhaps related to the Devil!? We will know soon enough as we perform this purging ceremony.... >:|
  10. That's the thing, "Survival in the Dark"
  11. News Year? I might as well spend time with the family, you know... eating out in this fancy restaurant, enjoying times with your loved ones, etc. What am I saying!? I always stay home alone due to my parents bringing Asians over for Karaoke.
  12. So.... today, I just built a dirt house. The interior design is dark and ominous but comforting as well. [ATTACH]1196.vB[/ATTACH] FYI: Not my house.
  13. I wrote notes a couple of times, but it's even more irritating to pass it around when you're doing your ♥♥♥♥ING work! CHRIST.
  14. A improvising direction into gaining income but otherwise unacceptable due to the fact that people can exploit this by purchasing than abusing; indefinitely providing an entertainment for those mainly on JB.... excellent. (Trolls purchased moderator/ Trolls caught abusing/ Trolls banned from xG with money) ♥♥♥♥ you all.
  15. Twinkle-Dickie Infested StarShaft
  16. Does that count for me? I mean, I do apologize after I killed you, but does that make me a douche?
  17. What the ♥♥♥♥ am I supposed to show when I'm applying for a "Survival" group? I, of course, couldn't grasped meaning and generality of this.
  18. Nope, opinated thread is opinated.
  19. Mad_Scientist

    King J

    Nope. -1 Pointless Thread is Pointless.
  20. Oh, that's right. This is a game that's free, meaning your account value is nonetheless: 0$.
  21. Well, since Rexx is banned from xG; he'll be back eventually since he'll mostly just leave and rejoin for no legitimate reason whatsoever, and this is really getting irritating on my sincere and humble nature since it's basically the same ♥♥♥♥ over and over again. It's like that case with Netex; I used to like Rexx at first, was a great kid, but now just turned into some idiotic troll like the rest of those imbeciles on JailBreak. I knew this was going to happen eventually in which he will lead himself to ruins. Peace.
  22. So... is this a fad among you young people nowadays? The first four pages were filled with Goats.... hilarity ensured.
  23. ♥♥♥♥ damn it ♥♥♥♥ nugget why! Why!
  24. I've been here long enough to judge a player's personality base on his actions, but it relatively seems like this guy is going to be a horrible and embarrassing contribution to XenoGamers. Clearly, on the other threads, there have been complaints from other players about him freekilling and somehow being racist violating against MOTD. I'm -1 this guy based on the response from a few noted members. Peace, Mad