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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mad_Scientist

  1. I came across XenoGamers because of Billy.... knew him from our last JB server, but was sadly disband due to a revolt.
  2. Sorry, switched to my AP mode lol
  3. Hm...... What's your current weight?
  4. So it's like one of those everyday average families in the United States with relatives with a mental disorder of some sort wrecking destruction, disabilities and anarchy into a rather normal family, who of course whom to be a High School drop-out failing to grasp the stage of adolescent and instead is still stuck with the intellectual potential of a 6-year child; F-ed up world mate. Regardless, you should still try to love your family nonetheless, despite the fact they have flaws but in a more universal perspective, everybody has flaws. The one major thing in this world is that humans don't bother to identify or deeply analyze the term "love" in a more compassionate property of some sort.
  5. Mad_Scientist

    Jelly guys?

    Congratulations, you posted a pic on a website similar to 4han authorizing the ability of "Saving Pic" option as a pornographic material. GOOD DAY SIR
  6. I was more surprised with the sudden transformation, but otherwise enjoyable nonetheless.
  7. Your handwriting is somewhat refine in a sophisticated manner of both elegance and beauty. Translation: You write like a girl mate.
  8. I'm wearing this Navy Seals Swim Gear oiled with Honey, implying I've become more.... flexible and stealthy.
  9. Well, later mate, it was a blast... *Bursts* WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥ WHY!?!?!?!?!?! WE CAN FIX THIS, THERE'S NO NEED TO LEAVE!!!!! YOU CAN REDEEM YOURSELF!!!!
  10. Ghostbuster was longer in the community than anybody and I doubt it that he'll become one of those imbeciles. +1
  11. Initially, there is no such thing as girls; only guys with no ♥♥♥♥. :O Mystery solved.
  12. -1 Join the clan bro. Final. Aegean won't read this, cuz he's a dummie obviously.
  13. Gotta stick with the classics man.
  14. I never did took him seriously since most of the crap he says to me are well..... mindless random stuff. But I did caught him multiple times freekilling in the past WHEN I was on.
  15. Here's the Number 1 priority. You don't give a ♥♥♥♥.
  16. +1 His words were of philosophy and enlightenment.
  17. Mad_Scientist


    [ATTACH]785.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]785.vB[/ATTACH] :D Check it out!
  18. It's a ignorant kid with no grasp of reality or manners. This is why I prefer moving into a life of solitary like into a a cabin of the Siberia outskirts and just spend my peaceful days dropping by the city to grab a couple of books. Ah~ :) Anyway, if I was that kid's parent, I'll just ground him for a year after pulling a knife on me and take away most of his privileges. I'll also give a threat that I'll disown him.
  19. Alright guys, I'll just explain this in the most simplest form I can. This is a thread; a thread in which fellow members or players can construct a list of their texture packs so we can share our experiences in the Minecraft world together. Also, try to label the texture packs name into a link via the example below. Example: 1. Photo Realism 1.8 2. Simple Medieval 1.8
  20. ♥♥♥♥ Michael! I heard he round up little children and lock them in a basement with a camera. Afterwards, he usually uses the recording as masturbation material as the true sadistic son of a gun he is... not like that happen to me before.
  21. So he pulled a knife on his father and he's 14? Blasted kids! They're getting ignorant by the day! I also live in Tennessee lol