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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    Death Soccer

    I have never seen anyone even mention this, I think you'll live ;D
  2. Hudson

    New format.

    Nope, not liking this one bit D:
  3. Yes yes yes yes yes, this is winning so hard
  4. The best part is, this is what admin chat is like a lot of the time lol
  5. His laugh is something of god.
  6. Well this is awkward. Here is my paste : Senate to vote on Obama’s jobs bill I was doing homework
  7. -1 no your way to annoying, you were funny like the first day you came on Jailbreak. Now your more of a annoyance, start using your non-modulated voice and we will see.
  8. Hudson

    Error page

    R.I.P. Me ...Headphone User....
  9. Oh god it's my favourite show ever! Richard would win because he is little and drives a Morgan <3
  10. Hudson


    In my more then 7 months of being in this clan I have only seen one hacker of any sort.
  11. Hudson


    Here are some reasons why I'm going to -1 >12 > ill ill ill ill ill ill >hackers? >ct all the time, never does much.
  12. HAI! I kinda freaked out for a second because I thought the title was Ero again and I was like :DDDD But happy to see you :D
  13. Now never post something again so you can stay at 999 posts!
  14. Well this is nice, how old are we guys?
  15. Oh no rexx I will miss you D:
  16. Hudson

    cute animals

    I miss Honey Badger... D:
  17. When do I get my prize?
  18. I just looked up what this game type is, it's really cool looking! I'd love that server!
  19. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
  20. Okay let's see here, last ct music needs to get you freaking out and excited. Dubstep, rap, electro, are all out of the question. It needs too be fast. Here are a few. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aRVPo-sAUc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3O6_nYqDww This one start around 0:50 and you will be just great.
  21. I don't think we need a revamp of the motd just a little touch up. Some of your new rules could make a HUGE difference in the game. The camping for lr/last ct one stood out the most. I hate just slaying people right away I always warn people via admin PM. So I think warning should be the first thing to do on every rule that is broken. That's just how I do it.