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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Mykhol

    Po pi po!!!

    [ATTACH]786.vB[/ATTACH] :) I find this thread attractive in 30 ways.
  2. Mykhol


    I pre-ordered skyrim today :D :D ;D :D been waiting for it since they announced it.....a loooooooong time ago.
  3. me gusta, or a kermit the frog hat ^This
  4. Mykhol


    ^[ATTACH]762.vB[/ATTACH] ♥♥♥♥yeah.png/♥♥♥♥me
  5. +1. Saw him on JB a million times He's trained well GOOD JOB NIVEK. (Good puppy)
  6. +1. He was a good mod before he disappeared.... I missed his sexy ♥♥♥ and he needs to be mod immediately
  7. Gimme a hatpack beautiful. <3 +1
  8. [ATTACH=CONFIG]742[/ATTACH] 60$ worth of games here I kum
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]742[/ATTACH] 60$ worth of games here I ♥♥♥.
  10. Mykhol


    +1 A very beautiful man, if I must say. I love this guy
  11. Mykhol


    ^So many reasons I have to complain. But I'll take the -1 as a beautiful gift from a beautiful watermelon.
  12. Mykhol


    used to brake dance.....:/ SHOW A VIDEO ;D;D;D
  13. Mykhol


    +1 whitetextiswhite
  14. Meh...known you since you started, never saw you trollin' but from what I've heard... meh, +1 you're beautiful
  15. Mykhol

    New notch thing

    ^It was on MC forums, its 100% legit. <3
  16. Dude, that must have cost so much ♥♥♥♥in' money
  17. They're fixing them so you actually die instead of living after the bomb :)
  18. Hmm, havent seen him, but harvey is beautiful and I trust him, + your profile picture made my day +1
  19. I SAW JACKS GIRLFRIEND BEFORE IT WAS COOL *HIPSTER* no really he showed me :)
  20. Mykhol


    Damn gerrrrl, gratz on 1000th!
  21. Mykhol


    You're all very beautiful.
  22. ^banned for living in EZland which doesn't exist (Decided to copy a previous ban :) )
  23. Mykhol


    I live in Canada #GOML ♥♥♥♥♥es I can play skyrim while you guys die in a fire.
  24. Mmm..not really sure, I don't see you very much in jailbreak where we need more admins, I see you in minigames, but most of our high ranked admins are there more than jailbreak. I'll + 1 if you mature up, and be on Jailbreak early and late, because I'm always on early and late and I don't see any admins, so we need more. but for now, I'm at 0