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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Member Name: Penguin Player's Name: NOз | SKILLZ | Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22380583 Ban Request Reason: Disrespecting, over and over. (Happy second ban request for the day!) Proof: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/612715011147750284/1568B97FEE76014DA9B4D693FB79C20130D45845/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/612715011147752396/1967C5E07D2E6AA73F07634862DDD137593BD121/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/612715011147757053/B6C493F951827912FCE4B7945C49E8B561A4D671/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/612715011147754419/32012FA64B02634BEF55396F78C03C5AD9DEDF26/
  2. +1, He's been in the servers for longer than some members and is a very sexy man, also makes a very mean chillie.
  3. Mykhol


    This was early morning when 8 people were on, we need more early bird admins :(
  4. Mykhol


    Member Name: Penguin Player's Name: Fragsack Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31867915 Ban Request Reason: Mass freekill / taking advantage of no admins Proof here: MediaFire extract to cstrike and type demoui in console
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUmJDVRDRTQ
  6. Mykhol


    Thank you to the people to +1'd, I understand Brians reason and still love him.
  7. Mykhol


    ^only because I was begged by several members to come back and didn't want to get spammed 24/7
  8. If you've been here 1 year what was the original name of xG?
  9. Mind ♥♥♥♥, this is exactly perfect, I love you harvey.
  10. Mykhol


    Member Name: Penguin In-Game Name: [xG] Michael What game?: CSS Member: Yes Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37652204 Age: 14 Donated: No Other information: I've been in the clan since somewhere from Jan-May 2011...and I've grown to be hated/loved by some members, mostly loved ;) I've had a history of winning ban request posts and re-reading MOTD once a week, I usually record every match just in case of there being no admins, but I wouldn't need to if I were a moderator. I was once about to be promoted but I was "too young" and yeah yeah yeah we saw the quitting and ♥♥♥♥. but now we have a 12 year old moderator, so I think 14 is more than old enough. I used to be very good friends with most div leaders and Co leaders, but as they got promo'd more they became more busy and had less time to play. I'm not begging to become a mod but It'd be nice. Good day sir.
  11. Mykhol


    +1 a pretty beautiful man, knows rules, has been in the clan a decent time, and trustworthy
  12. Mykhol


    Going to be amazing, every elder scrolls game since morrowind never disappointed! :D
  13. +1 This man may not be as serious as I am *Serious face* but he still deserves +1
  14. +1, I told him I'd do this if he jumped off the building and he did. so +1 c:
  15. btw I spent 20 minutes typing for every subject, and when I went to post it said "503 ERROR" and I just cried for a little bit.
  16. I think the size shouldn't be something ♥♥♥♥ing giant like Sylvan, but something similar to avalanche.... Larger map = More rebels More rebels = Longer round Longer round = rage quit rage quit = Fuuu Smaller map = Less places to hide Less places to hide = shorter round shorter round = hamsters hamsters = :D
  17. ladies stop fighting, EZ was being a nugget. Problem solved Btw 465th post
  18. +1 to unban this beautiful man and +1 to remove admin until EZ Kill isn't jelly of Niggards.
  19. Mykhol


    +1 Because this thread has so much proof of everything and blazer deserves to die in a fire. LOLJK GET SOME PROOF MY ADOPTED SON -1-1-1-1-1
  20. +1 Trif is a terrible person and needs to be permanently banned forever and burned in a fire while we pee on him. He's actually very beautiful.
  21. http://www.cristgaming.com/pirate.swf This needs to be added to xenogamers.com/error.php
  22. It doesnt help that your forum name has xg in it :3