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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Mykhol


    So....This guy got banned for shooting thru a wall? but a member of xG (who will remain unknown) shot thru the covered glass in the lego VIP cell and got a headshot, without looking if someone was there, and didn't even get accused? +1
  2. Mykhol


    Yea, Sawyer wouldn't do this....
  3. Mykhol

    King J

    ....What? I don't even have HLDJ
  4. *COUGH* Soiarn *COUGH*
  5. www.xenogamers.com/hey.swf
  6. He doesn't deserve a Camel, don't do it.
  7. Mykhol


    Silence was right about someone atleast o.o <3
  8. Come to think of it, now that you said it was about 5 mins after, they probably planned that, or their admins are super-active...no.
  9. G00n does this, but it really doesn't matter, it tells him if people need him to stay for admining, or if they trust the people to not **** up. Although there are still moderators.
  10. Doesn't seem like they sent him, he did get banned from HG.
  11. ^banned for taking your anger out on arthman
  12. *cries* You said I was a nub for leaving, then leave? =[
  13. Chosen? Did you relly leave? cuz your still wearing the tag, am I left or am I rite?
  14. Mykhol

    Signature Shop

    You baddie, you said you were gonna quit to.
  15. Mykhol

    I'm done

  16. Mykhol

    Signature Shop

    http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lc431dzQzo1qclt3z.png Nuff said.
  17. Don't have something nice to say, don't say anything, Nuff said.
  18. Heyyy! That's not 10 chars o.o
  19. I don't know about the rest of the People that quit, but I'm not coming back. There are still 2 people that look for my advice in the clan because they're new but either way I'm still going to be playing on the servers and ****, just not being in the clan, because I do want to play on other servers. I still wuv the peepolz, I just don't like the drama, and I thought I'd like being in a CSS clan for the first time, but I didn't so I left.
  20. Major, tell me, what in the **** do you do different then that? You muted me for arguing with you about why you freeslayed me, you then LEFT the server, leaving Goon having to unmute me a while ago. Herpes handles the situation with no favoritism. He's slayed me, because I ****ed up, hes slayed Micro, hes slayed all of his friends (When they dun ****ed up)
  21. Mykhol


    Is he even in xG? you may have been banned for wearing the tag?