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Everything posted by Chickenlips

  1. Chickenlips


    lol you call tarin dumb yet you made a admin abuse thread without proof.. logic.
  2. Are you kidding right now? Why don't you go learn how to respect people then maybe I'll +1. A big fat -1 right now though.
  3. I'm going to admit, this makes me really upset. I never said "You are alloud to troll" WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GETTING THIS? I never said this. SGTBLU won't back you up, both of you guys barely know me. You don't know my history, you don't know me now either. You're implying that I still troll, that I'm still what I use to be and it's extremely insulting. You're implying that I NEVER changed. It's ridiculous that you're saying this when I've played the servers with you like less than 5 times. You're also implying that I asked for all my +1s, well guess what, I DIDN'T ASK A SINGLE PERSON FOR ANY OF THESE +1s. You don't know me, you don't know how much I've changed to better myself FOR the community. It's so stupid that after all I did to change myself that I still get called a troll by someone who doesn't even know me. Who just takes assumptions and makes it into his own opinion.
  4. +1 good member, no problems at all, I don't know you that well but I'm sure we will get to that road. Talk on mic more man.
  5. Works great. Lags sometimes but nothing I've never run across. Good job on making the website better Silence.
  6. Chickenlips


    True that. I'm currently in a friendzone situation, gonna try to get out of it this weekend hopefully. Thing with being in the friendzone is, you just have to go for it. I know people will be like "Oh easier said than done", but it's so true. If you're in the friendzone, anyone in xG, just go for it regardless of the outcome, rejection or exception, you won't know until you go and find out. I've been pondering around with this girl for 3 months, you don't want to end up not saying anything then later down the road she's like "UGH WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME OUT". For the girls who say "Ugh I just want a nice guy", they're just trying to get attention. Or they're just really stupid. They ignore the nice guys for the assholes, they like looks over personality, most guys are good looking and nice yet still get some hot juice head picked over them, then the girls complain when they get their heart broken. It's actually ridiculous how women logic works these days.
  7. This is exactly how I felt when I got banned for 2 weeks. I think you're mature enough to realize what you did and how you can change to better yourself, +1 to unban, if he messes up again, 2 week ban him.
  8. Aha yeah. I don't know man, he doesn't come on jailbreak anymore because he just sucks. I never really even trolled with JETZ, I was only friends with Aaron out of the whole group aka Ball, whatever you wanna call him now. He was the only one I knew and I asked him to invite me in and he did, but I never really trolled with them, it was just me being retarded on my own. Appreciate the +1 man, glad I could change your opinion.
  9. Congratulations guys. Well deserved, hopefully eventually I can join the list of mods.
  10. +1 definitely, he's a cool dude, raped me in no scope, knows the rules.. He would be a good member in the clan.
  11. People are so stupid these days. All of these guys are pussies, they wouldn't have the balls to fight on their own so they fight in little faggot groups. People make me sick.
  12. +1 to remove, this really sucks. It's way overpowered. I don't see how these classes are gonna work on wardays because it'll be obviously favored. 2 shots with an awp? Come on.
  13. Ah it's alright. I may come off as offensive like he says but in the end I'm just a guy who jokes around and tends to swear a lot, but it's not with an intent to piss anyone off or make anyone hate me.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AJ7GQ8iePM Best combination ever.
  15. Probably in the past.. I mean the only thing that might come off as trolling is me joking around, or me arguing from time to time. I can guarantee you I'm not a big troll. I don't encourage it at all either.
  16. Finally you apply.. +1, knows the rules, he's active as hell, he would be a great addition to our clan.
  17. +1, cool guy, knows the rules.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrlaJdPgg98 I shed a tear on this one.
  19. +1 for sure, this map is a classic and it's appealing to mostly everyone. I say make it 24/7 yo.
  20. Ah, I was just confused on his accusation. Thanks.
  21. Let him in already!!!!!!! Great guy!!!!!!!
  22. I just don't get why he's saying that I troll and encourage people to troll when I obviously don't. I even admit that I have time to time arguments but to say that I'm a troll is pretty unfair. Whatever though.
  23. I thought you were already in xG.. Wtf.. +1 anyway.
  24. I don't even troll.. I don't even get your last comment too.. "Tells ppl it is encouraged". I don't encourage trolling, I don't troll, I may argue time to time but I never purposely troll to make people angry. I don't know where you're getting this from.