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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Just saw this really good article. Seems pretty unbiased and is interesting IMO


    Lol plz no flamewar


    There are a number of things that could account for this. The most obvious would be cultural influences. Children all over the world are indoctrinated to love anthropomorphic animals. Some people do not relinquish that love. And as they grow older the interest matures with them.


    In many cases this just results in people wanting to see anthropomorphic animals in more serious types of stories geared for the adult mind. But in others, anything one excessively likes begins to take on a sexual allure, even if what one likes is motorcycles, cars or electric guitars. So why not anthropomorphic animals?


    Another possible cause is the comic artist who draws human characters sexy, and uses the same body builds for anthropomorphic animals. The reader then notices that, not only is the anthropomorphic animal just as sexy as the human characters, but it's twice as colorful and genuinely exotic.


    This leads to what might be called the "Humans are boring" syndrome, where by one comes to a realization that the 22 gigs of human porn on his computer has a sameness to it that he's becoming bored with. So he starts trying to get more color. He looks for things like body painting, and eventually gets into anime for the colored hair and exaggerated eyes, but eventually he gets hooked on Furry for the endless variety of colors, shapes, etc.


    The main thing to remember here is that the Furry fan is highly indoctrinated to fantasy, art and the exotic. Art and fantasy can take you places that real life can never compete with. And, if one is inclined to dream, what's the sense of dreaming about the ordinary? Especially if one is intent on achieving sexual release from the fantasy, one wants to dream of the most exotic and wonderful experience possible.


    Also, if one has had bad experiences with real world relationships or sexual encounters, Furry can be an escape or alternative to an unacceptable reality. Since an erotic Furry fantasy can be anything the dreamer chooses, the dreamer can create whatever kind of sex they would find ideal. It can comprise other fetishes, or it can have all the romance without the pain, messiness or insecurities they've come to dread in the real world.


    Furry is a tool like any other that can be an aid to sexual fantasy, if one is indoctrinated properly to having Furry elements push the buttons of attraction. Chances are not very high that any adult who never goes anywhere near cartoons, comics, fantasy movies or video games is going to have that indoctrination.


    Like someone said above, you can probably blame Disney and other cartoon makers for so many people having this indoctrination. But there is no uniformity at all to what individual fans will do with this indoctrination. It's a tool of expression. And there seems no limit to what it can be used to express. So it would be a mistake to look at the medium of expression as the cause of what's being expressed.


    Furry is used to express sexuality because adult humans are naturally sexual. And they would no doubt be just as sexual if they were indoctrinated to express themselves through some other medium, or if they had enough of a normal sex life to not need to express their sexuality through art.


    In many cases, the Furry fan does not have a normal sex life - this being very much an aspect of geek culture. Furry is therefore handy when it comes to replacing something that’s lacking with a dream that’s attractive enough to become something of an obsession. But, because there is a sub-culture for sharing this obsession, Furry has the strange side effect of providing the otherwise isolated geek with a reasonably active and somewhat fulfilling social life. This gives the idea of being a Furry even more attractive attributes. The mode of expression becomes the catalyst for a different kind of life in which those who were cast away by the "normal" or "mundane" society may feel themselves somewhat normal and accepted.


    Though at the end of the day Furry can be nothing more than a fantasy based hobby, for many it proves to be a very useful one, if not a life saver.




    tl;dr Social anxiety, watching anthro stuff during childhood, and watching too much porn

  2. +1 Mick is a really nice guy, don't instantly call him a "faggot" because of his "high-ish" voice. He is a very well balanced dude and will not start flame wars for no reason. He is very active and I have never seen him break a rule once. I feel he could be a great asset to xG if y'all give him a chance.


    Mick for mod!

  3. Hey now everyone, don't be so quick to judge. What if he actually was molested? You all would feel like dicks. Been there, done that, felt terrible afterwards. As much as I disliked the way he behaved, he might not be lying.

    Just my 2 cents.


    Oh and if you are lying than shame on you, I have friends that were molested by parents/family.

  4. That video was probably the trashiest video I have ever seen. I am actually unsettled by the amount of...I don't even know what's it called...attitude? Lack of respect and responsibility?

    I say we just flatten the ghettos and make them giant parking lots. Who's with me :D

  5. I would stay home and lol while everyone freaks out over some sensationalized bullshit on the news. Undead zombie apocalyspes can't really happen; I co-exist with zombies everyday (everyone).


    Haha but srsly without ruining my OPSEC, I'd grab my guns and my buddies and take back the city. It could easily be done with all the ammo and weapons I have stockpiled. The bigger threat would be sheeple freaking out and looting shit.