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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. I guess I'll be the first to +1 you. Since nobody followed the correct vouching format, I guess so far you stand at a +1. Aw :3


    Why: He was a good player and worked his way up to admin. Even though he abused HARD, I don't think it should be a perm perm ban. It's been over 2 months. It really can't hurt if we unban him and promise never to give him powers back. Unless he mass freekills or something, then go ahead and perm perm ban him. Hell, we gave neteX and Soiarn a hundred chances before perm perm banning them.


    Maturity: Honestly tends to be a jackass sometimes. I've known him since I joined xG (he was the first mod I got to hate me lol) and he was REALLY responsible then. He did deteriorate and abuse, but that wouldn't matter since we wouldn't just give him his powers back.


    Activity: VERY VERY active when he was in the clan. I always saw him on JB and TS3.


    P.S. ItZ Russian is Quarantine

  2. It would even work better on Linux...


    ^^^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^^^


    I wish I had a linux instead of my windows XP. I can't switch because my dad still likes XP and refuses to upgrade to Windows 7 or Linux.


    Old people, huh?


    Oh and that blows Pyro :( Why would you buy a macbook tho? For that money you could get a REALLY good gaming laptop

  3. ^thisthisthis +1+1+1+1


    I would love some new maps. Maybe...Timesplitters maps?? :D

    Or more ski maps? I loves me some ski :3


    Maybe even maps that seem like they're always in motion, like a train or plane or something

  4. I got my girl a dozen balloons, a dozen roses, 4 bags of candy (M&Ms, Resses, dark chocolate w/ almost, and Hershey's Symphony), a giant stuffed dog, and a dinner on the river trip I booked 5 months ago. HATE ON IT!


    You should kill her. She's draining your wallet, so by logic you should legally be allowed to drain her blood.

  5. aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2012_02_11.jpg.e0391d02ce9adf147c53fd7af0ef3576.jpg


    I have a pair of these, but instead of mesh it is completely leather and instead of the black reebok logo it is silver. Best goddamn pair of shoes I ever owned.

  6. I used to make tarin jokes, Then i took a Duckii to the knee.


    Why Tarin was banned...


    We will have no discussion of this matter anymore, I suggest you guys remove him from your friend's lists, etc.


    It's not that the jokes aren't funny, but they're just inapprorpriate and it's not cool

  7. The 100 post rules is just a way to show you can be active member of forums, reaching that is child's play.



    Post in the random section, let your voice be heard that you want to be a MOD.


    :( the forum rules were changed so random doesn't count towards post count