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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. +1 Trente is ALWAYS on lol and would make a fine addition to our mods


    Edit: I posted this before the new rules, but whatevs


    [Decision: +1


    Why: Trente is ALWAYS on lol and would make a fine addition to our mods


    Maturity: Mature. Doesn't dick around or troll



    Activity: JB. A LOT.

  2. its cause cracker, chink and faggot have had their definitions corrupted throughout history. cracker meant like salt crackers that u eat, chink means like a chink in my armor, faggot referred to cigarettes by the british. nigger however, was created for the sole purpose of providing a derogatory term for black people, it had no other previous definition other than to refer to black people in an insulting way


    Cracker as in people who crack whips at slaves :P

  3. IMO I hope Andrea just kills herself. I would just hand her her little S&W 5000 series and be like DO IT YOU FUCKING ATTENTION WHORE BITCH NO BALLS NO BALLS


    Then rape the corspe o.e


    Don't worry, I'll let you 2 fight over sloppy secconds ;)

  4. Shane ACTUALLY knows how to survive in the apocalyspe without all the moralfag bullshit lol. That's why everyone's jelly of him. But Rick DID WORK in the begining of the first season, and is overall more likeable, so I chose him.

  5. Oh cmon Anthony, these sort of things should stay in admin chat. Don't say the nword in public, that's just unprofessional :/ It's expected that we don't act like this. Even if it technically "isn't racist" you could still be offending other players or whatever. I'm only going to +1 a warning because you weren't trolling others by calling them the nword.


    Btw I'm proud of Major B bringing proof :D It's a step in the right direction for him.