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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Just fucking pull that ban hammer shit out and ban his ass this dude fucking trolled me so hard I was afraid to even open my laptop and if I did I would cry this dude caused me major misseary and he needs to fucking go burn in fucking hell I hope this mother fucker never meets me cuz ill hurt him and make him suffer like I did fo that whole week


    Aw, looks like someone repressed thier anger for so long and just let it explode on the forums.


    That's cute.

  2. Ok how many people in the community are lonely little faggots who have never kissed or did anything with a girl / boy and how many people in the community have a gf / bf

    Oh no


    This kid mad lol

  3. Honestly Duckii Jr., you might want to see a psychiatrist or family psychologist. Your hatred towards your parents can (and will become, trust me) self-destructive and will only make your life worse. Your depression could be caused by chemical means or emotional. You should ask yourself questions like "do I suffer intense mood swings every few weeks?" or something. Maybe even keep a planner to track your emotions throughout the day. Be sure to also log in how your parents interacted with you and try to find a correlation with your emotions over time. Worked for me. Group psychology REALLY helps you with parent problems, either in a support group or if your parents go. My ex-bff had horrible family problems and went to 3 and they got along PERFECTLY somehow.

  4. +1 Korean is my BOI


    Oh and he's ALWAYS on and knows all the rules


    EDIT: I guess we have new vouching rules, huh?


    Decision: +1


    Why: Korean is my BOI and is a great player. Never had a problem with him.


    Maturity: High. Jokes around a lot but knows the time and place for it.


    Activity: Really active in jailbreak