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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Mine starts friday (Half day of school) :(
  2. Tbh popularity means everything (sorry to contradict you pyro, I still love you <333). You have to be buddies with the other mods and admins, espicially Aegean, Serb, and Silence. If they don't notice you then you won't get moderator unless you use the mod submission. If you ♥♥♥♥ them off they're going to have a vested disintrest in making you a mod or admin *coughI'mnevergoingtogetadminbecauseIwasadickontheforumstwicenomatterhowactiveIamcoughcough* Anyone got a losenge?
  3. Lol we had the SDI since Nixon (I think?) and I lol at the fact that if 100,000 screaming chinese came running up a hill at us we could take the majority out with a cluster bomb XD Talk about cost effectiveness :3
  4. What is this I dont even...
  5. Heisenberg

    dem lulz

    Dat crosshair...
  6. Start movin up older mods to admins :P and congrats guise :D
  7. Lol I aint even mad because I got one too :3
  8. But, like his father, the cycle is going to start all over again with his son and/or his uncle
  9. +1 played with him and hes a cool guy dont bait tho plz lol
  10. Yeah I get what you mean but I'm talking fanatical Iran, NK, China, and Russia against US, EU, and our allies, not just NK/Iran. Russia would give ♥♥♥♥ support because they're getting raped by the Georgians atm. China would either be all in or not get involved. Thier economy relies on commercialism from the US, but if they managed to take us over they'd just sell to thier new allies. Plus, since manufacturing is declining due to things like unions, deflation, and minimum wage, they're having trouble keeping buisness and they know they'd have to give up anyway. All of thier business is being sent to other countries like Vietnam and Taiwan, because they are now becoming WAY more advanced and thier standard of living has shot way up. As for AKs, Norincos are made by the Chinese and are sold to them for next to nothing, since the Korean war. China invested a ♥♥♥♥ ton in that country and will be damned if the country crumbles and reunites with SK. Iran and North Korea are dumbasses and will launch thier failnukes and dirtybombs in smaller cities and military bases that are within ~100 miles from thier country, since thier delivery is ♥♥♥♥. We all know NK are the biggest trolls in the planet, since thier invasion tunnel scandal and attacking that SK ship/island a few years back and saying the SK started it. They'd pull cheap shots like that because they know they'd lose anyway but really have no choice becasue they're both going to be overthrown in a few decades/years.
  11. Kim Jung Un probably won't be put into power, his uncle will. Both hate America more than Kim Jung Il and Kim Il Sun. I'm going to be major pissed if they start WW3 and I have to get drafted. I'll be forced to die "for (by) my country" over some shittly little country in the far east. Unfortunatly, Ajmadinijad (President of Iran) is bffs<3 with Kim Jung Un and will use his political power to force his anti-american will onto North Korea.
  12. Heisenberg

    What If?

    Something tells me Japan's already working on that XD
  13. Funny thing is, most "people" on Funnyjunk think Kim Jung Il was just some random dictator of North Korea, although the atrocities he committed should have gotten him hung.
  14. I would respond, but this is going way off topic and out of hand. I don't want to ♥♥♥♥ anyone off, especially Nighty.
  15. Christ rexx, this really isn't going to help you get back into the clan
  16. ^Fixed XD And we shouldn't fight on the forums. Why can't we be friendssssss?
  17. Lol it's actually a girl. Check her other vids
  18. lol inb4 this gets raped with -1s from his abuse
  19. inb4 he posts a picture of him and an "I <3 xG" sign
  20. Nighty, I call you brown to your face all the time :3 But you do kind of flaunt the "I'm from Iraq card". You do realize that our country has been at war in Iraq for 8 years, right? Our friends and family were killed there, you can't just expect an American to be unbiased when it comes to that sort of thing. We all know someone who died there.