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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Heisenberg

    So liek

    I'll miss you, king of the no balls kingdom :.(
  2. I think we should only have 2 slots for admins/mods. If I were a random player and were kicked if there was 5 slots opened, I would rage
  3. Why would you be active on the forums all of a sudden if you were permabanned and aren't getting unbanned?
  4. ^Joshi3 bought me a life size Elephant fursuit. Jellymuch?
  5. can you explain in detail why you were permed?
  6. Levi's darkwash jeans, 32x32 Black Aeropostale "North-face style" coat UCONN Basketball tshirt Hanes ankle socks Joe Boxer boxers Generic gunshow BDU belt, black Reebok shoes Oh wait...doin it wrong?
  7. Edited for privacy reasons
  8. Heisenberg

    Need Assistance

    ^Jay Breeze has the most correct answer here P.S. >>Random Silly Aegean!, this is the wrong section D:
  9. Furry for pyro :3 and fantasy because everything I do or think about doesn't pertain to real life
  10. Lol played with him today and he seems aight +1
  11. Oh hello Richard. It was fun sniping you on the warday :D
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6t2_u2LUNc&feature=related Lol lose some more brain cells XD
  13. Heisenberg


    Today I was talking to this girl that is interested in me (tbh she's okay but not my type. Not any real redeeming qualities. She's kinda wierd) about music. I asked if she ever heard of ELO, and she was like ":S nope", so I started listing songs. When I got to Mr.Blue Sky, she said ":O no Lily Allen wrote that. They said it was new! Duh!" I don't want to live on this planet anymore. This is good music: Listen to the chords and harmony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjPqsDU0j2I This is CRAP: Listen to the fake computer-generated beat and no regard to harmony, verbal rythim, or progression. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oTQl2ixMZQ
  14. :( no love for me It's k, I still love you tho
  15. LOL that's such a great title XD Autismal: Source
  16. REAL TALK, all of these are now forced memes. Now they're all ruined because newf@gs think they're "part of the interwebs". It's sickening is what it is. Btw you're wrong THIS is the best video evar :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllXwbrKgXc&feature=g-all-f&context=G2199562FAAAAAAAAMAA
  17. I have a samsung that is an LCD flatscreen from '08. Feels old already compared to the newer LED stuff, but still runs fine. My LED TV is samsung too. They're a rly good company for cost effectiveness imo
  18. -1 too young IMO and YES that is a valid point because I don't think he's mature enough to understand the rules
  19. +1 Great guy. Funny and has a cool beard. Still has no balls tho XD Ah, inside jokes :3