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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. ^^^^^^ -1 for unban for reasons stated above :3
  2. Member Name: CarissimiRBea What game?: Minecraft Your In-Game Name: CarissimiRBeast Player's Steam ID: N/A Ban Reason: I accidently perm b&nd; my self. I was joking around with Nighty and he said "ban yourself for hacking (x-ray'ing) :P" (joking around), so I said k lol and then typed /ban carissimirbeast nighty_told_me_to_:( 1, thinking the 1 would mean I'd be banned for 1 minute. Guess not lol xP [ATTACH]1038.vB[/ATTACH] Unban Reason: It was an accident
  3. ^seems my native language isn't english either :(
  4. No offense but I don't think you do too well because your native language isn't english :(
  5. I -1'd you in the past for being too young and not knowing the rules, but my computer has been down for a bit so I haven't been able to play with you; you might have changed while I was gone. I'll 0 you for now
  6. Heisenberg

    famouse quote

    "i dont no how to spel" -Austin1 Christ, there is NO way you are 27 lol.
  7. -1 I don't see enough proof here. Rabid was just screwing around from what I can see
  8. And you wake up and everything is covered in ♥♥♥♥ XD That would make an awesome green text story
  9. Lol nice gravedig Mortuus :P
  10. [PLAIN]EVGA SuperClocked 01G-P3-1461-KR GeForce GTX 560 (Fermi) 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card - Newegg.com[/PLAIN] Probably going to buy 2 of these and run them SLI. omnomnom Edit: Bought 1 of these last night. I won't really need two since I'm still running XP and can't really run games that need sli cards. Should be in by tuesday/wedsday
  11. ...NOT BIG SUPRISE Well yeah my graphics card derped and herped and commited suicide. So I'll be off for a few days or weeks until my new card comes in :( I'll still be on the forums and a very laggy minecraft on my laptop, but no Ts3 or steam or ♥♥♥♥ [ATTACH]1029.vB[/ATTACH]
  12. I love you too :) And if you ever see someone named Mr. Fluffykins in the news, light a candle for me :D But I would only die for fighting against protesters FOR my country Because I would never ever ever ever team up against the government That would be bad I support everything the US does Even monitoring my internet :) *coughcoughcatchmydrift?cough*
  13. Heisenberg

    Stay Strong

    Kids who an hero for being called a "homo" should. Christ, if they can't take being called a pansy or being humilated in middle school, how can they function in the real world? Kids who ACTUALLY get bullied end up Columbine'ing or an hero'ing because they feel it's a form of vindication. Some say that's justified, I don't. But kids like this guy who were called a homo and say they hurt themselves AND POST IT ON YOUTUBE is just plain derpy. He obviously is doing it for attention because he is a snide little ♥♥♥♥♥.
  14. Heisenberg

    Cellspam Freeday?

    EZ, chill please. He wasn't making any insults to mods+, he was just saying how we could watch it more. The comment "isn't this the point of having MODS on duty" isn't really an insult, he's just stating a fact. Akio is a really nice guy and you should cut him some slack before cutting his head off. I think he has a valid point, but I also think it is up to the warden to camp the cell button at the begining of the round, and tell mods+ if someone opens or spams cells that wasn't asked to.
  15. Life isn't like ♥♥♥♥ing Rambo. They'd break down my door before I even knew the bill was passed by the HoR. And "rebellion" doesn't happen like in Red Dawn where everyone suddenly bands together to fight a clear enemy. Why was there no mass uprising in Nazi Germany? EDIT: Oh goddamnit I turned this into a flame war
  16. Couldn't fit the title, sorry it looks so derpy lol ITT: post videos that will make you go to hell for laughing at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3_NyVr-hJY&feature=g-all
  17. Christ its only 15 dollars lol
  18. [video=youtube;HrXyLrTRXso]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrXyLrTRXso Time to move to Canada lol, guess y'all were right
  19. >Selling house for 3.5 million >Going to one of the most wartorn, impovrished, and politically unstable countries in the world >Asking for games Sounds legit
  20. Rabid just left for a few weeks? Why not Zoidberg? :3 EDIT: This sounded a lot better in my head. I don't mean leave, I mean replace him lol XD
  21. I really wish all electronics would break and we could go back to a more simple way of life, but that's impossible since there would be mass conflict and it would cause more problems than it fixes. I wish I could just go back 100 years
  22. wow wtf Lord you're usually chill +1