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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Blah blah blah +1 for rejoin blah blah :)
  2. The war on terror isn't over yet, we just moved the troops to Afghanistan
  3. Very nice! kinda reminds me or Korn
  4. Heisenberg


    Pics or it didn't happen
  5. +1 ACTIVE as hell. Good player and not a rool breaker
  6. Lol banned from forums my ♥♥♥, I was kidding
  7. Heisenberg


    I think you're thinking of 920Shady
  8. INTJ, Natural born leader/strategist. Very introverted 100 25 100 67
  9. My problem is that you forum spam and all of a sudden have an attitude problem. You troll our players and get all defensive about it when you get called out for calling someone a ♥♥♥. Sarcastic trolls like you and neteX bring the community down. Grow up and stop acting like a child who doesn't get what they want just because you can. You obviously have issues to be starting fights and calling players ♥♥♥♥♥ on a community forum. P.S. L2spell P.S.S. Acting immature towards Chickenlips and forum spamming will NOT get you mod. Learn your place.
  10. -1 You forum spammed and are too new. You're a nice guy and everything but wait a month or so :(
  11. -1 no offense but too new. Too young probably too. Wait a few months
  12. -1 Troll, jerk, likes ponies. LOLJK +1111111111111111 Super cool guy. I love him :3
  13. +1 for game unban, but keep him perm CT B&
  14. Probably should forum ban him :P
  15. Duke you got a sexy-♥♥♥ beard
  16. I say we remove the swear filters from the forums
  17. I fixed my computer mother♥♥♥♥ers (Moderated... this is your only warning before you get banned from forums) :D
  18. ^I still play Deus Ex :( That game should have won game of the year since y2k