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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. They sell bongs and hookahs at the local convience store. I think the funniest thing i've found was in a dollar store in Queens. There was a whole wall of molded plastic penises with the title "PARTY FUN" and a bunch of japanese writing.
  2. Ice cream or cake: Can't have ice cream since I'm lactose intolerant Potatoes or bread: YUM BAKED POTATOES! :DDD Chicken or beef: Duh Aids or herpes: I'd die with (semi)dignity Diabetes or gonorrhea: Curable Burgers or chicken nuggets: Low quality chicken is filled with disgusting fillers that are chewy ligament or bone fragments. It makes me gag even when I think about it.
  3. Serious question: What were you convicted of and what was your sentance? How long did you serve?
  4. Sounds legit walking out of the store and think "OH ♥♥♥♥ I FORGOT I HAD UNPROTECTED SEX LAST NIGHT AND MORNING SICKNESS, better grab me one of these. Oh I also smoked pot while doing it so I gotta check if the abortionist can find trace amounts of THC in my system. Also forgot I haven't owned a toothbrush in 5 weeks so I better grab one of these, or some gum. And a lighter for some more weed later. Better not forget to pick up my welfare check tonight, too, and I gotta make sure the window is cracked in the beat up chevy so my 7 kids get sum air."
  5. Did you play first reaction, last reaction?
  6. Played with him last night and some other times. Good player, no complaints +1
  7. +1 Snackbar bring the server back to life plz! :(
  8. Heisenberg


    lol -1 you just called an admin a stupid man. Wtf is your problem; why can't you just act logical instead of flaming everyone?
  9. ^Nah b. I was like "I can fap to this" so I did. But I grabbed my winkie too hard and dug my fingernails in so all my skin ripped off.
  10. I win
  11. Learn to read back your posts, little boy; and it's "you're" for future reference. You see, when you reach the third grade you'll learn that it is a conjunction for "you are". "Your" would represent possesion. Also, have some proof of me "griefing" please. I'd love to see what my made-up "evil twin" is up to. P.S. Congrats on getting mod, oh wait lol. Umad bro? inb4 "stop fighting"
  12. +1 I like you; you're really active and are fun to play with. I realllllllllly hope you're joking :P
  13. Urban dictionary quotes that help kevin slathe insecure thoughts on his repressed homosexuality
  14. ^i need more clan tags! I need them
  15. Nice guy 3578 up, 411 down A young male who will give up countless hours of his time listening to the problems of his very attractive female friends because they need someone to talk to about their apathetic, Baywatch jock of a boyfriend because no one else will listen or genuinely care. Although always surrounded by beautiful girls the nice guy can?t get a girlfriend or even facilitate the alleviation of certain ?drives? because his ?ordinary? physical appearance will forever be compared to the Baywatch beach bum?s. The nice guy would never capitalize on a vulnerable girl, objectify or cheat on a girl, he will go out of his way and bend over backwards to help his ?friends? and will never ask for anything in return but no matter how intelligent, understanding, humorous, compassionate, trusting or loyal the nice guy is the female cohort will always pass him up and endure any length of abuse, objectification, apathy and cold-heartedness from a man if he has physical attractiveness, fashion, big muscles and chiseled facial features. The nice guy will eventually realize that his dependability and empathy will never be appreciated and all his friendships with females are all one-sided. This coupled with years of watching girls go for tanned, muscular jerk-offs with nice cars while he desperately hopes someone will realize that how viable he actually is will spawn and incubate the nice guy?s insecurities and he will eventually abandon his views, dumb-down his speech, take-up weight-lifting and sw...
  16. +1 for boxxy reference
  17. Heisenberg

    Dat laugh

    "DURHURHURHUR" His laugh is the same as his intelect lol.
  18. Lol I remember you when I was just a newfag in the clan. I bet you don't remember me, but I was and am still very active on jb (and minigames). I got moderator about a month ago and I really try hard to enforce the rules. I remember you talking about how so many people became mod just for the title and are afraid to be the bad guy, and I took those words to heart.
  19. Am I the only one that missed Joshi and his silly voice?