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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Almost at 1337 posts dude look out!!!!
  2. I didn't explain anything because I don't feel that I have to ♥♥♥♥♥ about my problems to people I generally dislike. Not like they actually care anyway, they're just to into thier emotions. The second you see someone who opened up after "challenge day", they'll ignore you as they always have (if you weren't good friends) like they never broke down emotionally in front of you. It's all ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Introversion>extroversion. ♥♥♥♥ the world, you don't need people to solve your own problems, be your own boss, etc.! They try to teach you to rely on others and bs. They never explain how others will try to manipulate you and backstab you throughout life. That should be the real lesson. [/rant]
  3. Heisenberg


    The entire thing is for hurr durrs. People who do these things must have no integrity at all to be swayed to do things that would seem not viable by an INTERNET POST No offense guise inb4 ppl mad lol
  4. Heisenberg


    It's no fap december... ...no shave november
  5. Challenge day blows, we have it here but it's called Advisory Week. It's for you not to bottle up your emotions. They pound you with hard questions and try to make you spill your emotions all over the floor before you blow them all over the ceiling or spray everyone else's feelings all over the school. Wait what? But that really is thier objective ^ no joke. Advice, keep everything to yourself. If ♥♥♥♥ gets DEEP, then try to man up. The last thing you wanna do is ball in front of everyone and be made fun of in high school for the next 4 years. Don't actually talk about your problems and stay quiet.
  6. Make some sort of hatpack of something like "30000 coppers for $10" thing
  7. Warden should have not called a zombie freeday. T's can knife, so your dad just freebeat him. !ctban dad
  8. Heisenberg


    Pull your swiss army knife your Marine dad gave you on him and demand that he buys the hatpack
  9. Just to combo break this thread im going to change my +1 to a -1 :D LOLJK still +1 bump
  10. Heisenberg


    lol -1 you should have read the rules
  11. I have an m4 but I'm the nicest teen you'll ever have met (actually this is kinda invalid because I'm turning 18 in a few months lol); you don't see me *insert violent act here*. It's just some kids have behavior issues and some don't, I don't think it's fair to judge an entire generation of kids because there's a few bad apples. There was kids like that back in the 60's, but they just put them in asylums
  12. Charco's point is invalid because he's 15, no offense. This is a CLAN submission. He can play in our servers to his heart's content, but imo he's too young and doesn't read the rules.
  13. I gave a pint of blood today because the retard admins at my school thought it would be ♥♥♥♥in hilarious to have the blood drive on halloween
  14. Heisenberg

    Resign as mod?

    -1 dude you're WAY to active on jb to be removed as mod. We need you! <3
  15. Heisenberg


    +1 A town full of mods/admins ftw ^.^
  16. -1 Needs to learn rules. I think he's lying about age, too.
  18. -1, I'll +1 you when you stop lying about your age and apologize for breaking the rules before
  19. Heisenberg


    If this guy becomes the next neteX or Soiarn I'm going to shoot my self in the foot
  20. I'm with Rexx. You kept putting it on after you were told to take it off.
  21. Heisenberg


    CarissimiRBeast But don't add me :P I only have like 10 friend slots left and I only add people I know irl
  22. -0 for now, I don't recall you ever being on jb or minigames
  23. Play with him, he's nice and active +1