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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. I have know clue I have know I know KNOW KNOW KNOW ...
  2. kennY knows what's up. That's why I love him. And if he freekills and trolls have proof for that. The nword once isn't a huge offense.
  3. Whatever. +1 I see him on a lot in MG
  4. "You could whore yourself out to 500 fat chicks for 100 dollars, OR you could whore yourself out to 50 REALLY fat chicks for 1000 each." -Ronald Reagan
  5. Really? Every other word out of kennY's mouth is the nword, and he's a mod. How could you get offended at Glenn Beck saying it once? Are you even black? All of this political correctness is bull♥♥♥♥♥. You guys really need to deal with it. Racism implies superiority. "♥♥♥♥♥♥/♥♥♥♥♥" are terms of endearment black people use all the time. It would be racist to say "Niggas are smelly" or whatever. Is it any more racist to call someone "black"? Thier skin is obviously brown, "black" was an epithet given to africans because they had dark skin. I can't believe you guys have no problem calling each other "f@ggot", "autistic", and "retards" but suddenly ♥♥♥♥ your pants when someone says something bad about a dark-skinned person. If anything the nwod should be alloud, but it wouldn't be used in a verbally abusive manner, as the "no verbal attacking of players" rule states. Like you could say "sup niggs", but couldn't go on to bash someone for being a certain race. -1 for ban +1 for dealwithit
  6. You are OBVIOUSLY missing the point of apologizing for the xG tag thing. -1
  7. Heisenberg

    QQ Mr. Bunny

    Lol Pyro you love this because she didn't hate one jackals :3
  8. Yeah people caught him griefing constantly and each time he was unbanned he would say "I'll stop" and then he would do it again.
  9. +1 He's always on minecraft survival
  10. Jsilverman is a ♥♥♥♥ and should stop being unperma'd End of story. *Waits for reban*
  11. Maybe you should have put your money into guns and zombie proof body armor :333 Or maybe a lavaproof scubasuit if it's like the movie 2012... ..and then a gun to off John Cusack for being the worst actor OF ALL TIME In all scenarios, a gun works :D
  12. ITT: post who you wonder about ...kbshooter. It says he's been offline for 60 days. I remember when he was mod and lost it :( ...Vero. He was active for a couple of days on the forums saying he's back, but I haven't seen him since. I think I saw him a couple of times on minigames with Duckii ...Tavros (Tavros the Troll). Been offline for 75 days. I remember him being active on JB
  13. Buy guns instead Can Sanctum hold 30 round magazines and hollow point bullets? I DONT THINK SO Try throwing your virtual copy at the facist government when the economy collapses o.e
  14. Sylvan and special both blow TAKE THOSE CUNTS OUT! But I think this was taken out because a LOT of ts were teamkilled with the laser box, and some ts spawned in the fishtank so CTs thought they were rabbling
  15. +1 for remove. It really has no skill and people talk over warden so you can't really hear "jumping is now restricted"
  16. Heisenberg

    QQ Mr. Bunny

    ^same lol Gotta love that vid
  17. -1 no proof And Dragonfly TOTALLYYYYY didn't gravedig that post to finally reach 100 posts so he could apply for mod, huh?
  18. GOD ♥♥♥♥ING DAMNIT How hard is it to apologize, really.
  19. Heisenberg

    Tarin <3

    This thread is just dripping with false hope and kind of smells like chlorine...
  20. Oh you furry :3 And I'm nothing because I blew the cash I would have spent on the game on ammuntion I love the smell of gunpowder in the late afternoon
  21. Heisenberg

    Rated W

    Rated W...for wumbo
  22. Cabela's Black Friday Deals and Cabela's Ad for Black Friday 2015 300 rounds of Federal .223 for $90? TIS GUNNA BE A GOOD BLACK FRIDAY, YA HEAR?
  23. Both my grandfathers joined when they turned 18 in 1945, but were finally deployed in 1946 when the war ended. One was in the 86th Airborne and one was 92nd Infantry. Both were involved in the cleanup and took care of refugees.