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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. This is the wrong section. And I don't think it's a huge deal. I don't get why people react so bad to these, I like 'em ;)
  2. Except the j♥♥s on wall street forclose on your home because of some semantics in your contract. You take up drinking and your ♥♥♥♥♥ wife divorces your fat ♥♥♥ and takes half of your money and takes off with the kids. You put a gun barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger...the credits roll and every person you met scrolls by with a picture of them and thier prolouge. Most die in the next 10 years due to your actions. Most depressing game ever.
  3. Lol suckup more, you might just get some internet cooch >.> Jk duckii jr, I still love you
  4. ^banned for having a gayer avatar than mojo :PPPP
  5. ♥♥♥♥♥es be trippin
  6. +1 for forum ban. This is illegal and you're going to hell. LOL JK
  7. [-1]Nice guy but needs way more time[/-1]
  8. Sounds like the average friday night for me...
  9. My favorite one of these was when the OP posted "The" and the next person said "end."
  10. I think by losing the privalage to be a part of our community, you have also lost the privalage to play with us. Gtfo lol
  11. lol inb4 close [ATTACH]658.vB[/ATTACH]
  12. I don't need to be useful. IM A MODERATOR! >:3
  13. Mod reporting in (as arth already said)
  14. X:17 y:65 z:-1906 [ATTACH]648.vB[/ATTACH]
  15. I have 11 stacks of diamonds which I bought legit. And what is that list and why am I on it :S
  16. [ATTACH]647.vB[/ATTACH] 10asslimit
  17. We already gave him another chance. He didn't change. Plus he was annoying as hell on jb and minecraft. Every word out of his mouth was either ♥♥♥ or abuse.
  18. O.o how am I older than Quarantine