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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. ♥♥♥♥ you immo. I was going to see that next weekend you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Not even kidding.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z96ymIXmZ6U&feature=feedrec_grec_index I am DONE with women http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4szC4SjQUc The lighting and sound design in this was just absolutely nasty although it so abusrd.
  3. Holy jesus [ATTACH]836.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. I'm cool for a reset (for once). I got bored with my 12 STACKS OF DIAMONDS ♥♥♥♥♥ Bare in mind this is after giving one stack to pyro and one to some other player
  5. I have something to confess too... I AM ACTUALLY 17 No joke. Why does everyone think I'm 15? :S
  6. I think you're a fine warden. You don't tarp or anything so I don't see the problem
  7. Heisenberg


    Howdy, first xG friend I ever had :3
  8. Or you could just get a cheap webcam and some decent speakers for $180 less like everyone else lol math is for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  9. Do leather pants make mortuus butt look big? ...invader zim anyone...?
  10. Heisenberg

    Let it Out

    Everyone hates twilight and says it's the worst movie ever, although most people haven't seen it. They benchmark it to ♥♥♥ movies anyway like Inception or Surrogates. Compare it to The Happening or The Room. I thought it was mediocre at best. I only kinda like it because it's so underated due to the mass of retarded sheeple who've seen it. Oh...and Ashley Greene YUS
  11. Heisenberg

    Let it Out

    We can't do anything unless we saw it :( Like, anyone could lie and say "ShakeNBake freekilled me I had no gun" but you couldn't prove he had a gun or not. I'm sorry that's how it works, but we can't take people's word on it. If I get more then 2 complaints about a CT I spectate them for 4 rounds, more or less.
  12. Do want furry pacman freeday
  13. Are you actually 16? So many people lie and say that :( But +1 anyway
  14. O.o we can say cuntnugget? and I "only enforce the racism rule on non-xg people because I favortize" Totally
  15. I was reading this without my glasses and I thought the topic title was "SUICIDE please assist!!!!!!" and was like "this is relevant to my sexual intrests"
  16. Heisenberg

    Let it Out

    ^this It's because most of these people are too socially awkward irl to actually get a gf. no offense guise
  17. Heisenberg


    Everyone who posted in this thread is now automatically co leader and Aegean gets demoted to leader