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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. Xepher


    This whole thread is silly. It's a new year, let's start the year strong and good here =P
  2. Xepher


    +1 from me :D Knows rules and great person to know! He's usually on when I'm on and a really good friend of mine, plus a great artist ^^
  3. Needs moar me quoting this scene. Good times...good times
  4. Xepher

    Xmas Break Gifs

    That fox one: AWWWWWWWWWWW <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 The baby one: What the french toast?!
  5. Xepher


    But an admin who slays all 4 times, trolls, then kicks everyone out of the server is A OK?
  6. Cookieception! I actually made those types of cookies before too, freaking amazing <3
  7. Xepher


  8. That & I can't sleep D: Can't sleep for the past few days
  9. Seriously, the cover makes me want to make cupcakes and decorate them like ducks. This has been your random 4 in the morning random as frick post by Pyro
  10. Xepher


    Yeah proof is in the pudding +1
  11. I would love to be on Wipeout someday.
  12. Kinda saw that coming XD It was a fun match too :D
  13. Protip: It's really not best to have arguments on a mod application :3
  14. Xepher

    Beehawp script

    Yeah he's been banned, he was banned by Trif, Herpes also saw him do it. Yeah, this should be closed by now :)
  15. Xepher


    Reasons above and good person +1
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RGvIufNJxc
  17. I request this thread to be closed, my shitstorm sense is tingling :D
  18. Congrats to the winners lol
  19. Yeah they were kicked out of XG & banned for the week. I think they actually joined T3K after that lol
  20. Xepher

    Extra coals

    I got 2 if you want it, I'm not gonna use it for anything XD
  21. Xepher


    I can't find your name in the banlogs, but yeah agreeing with Penguin on this
  22. I would join, but I already got this game, plus if they had me as a partner, I would lose XD
  23. Xepher

    Happy Arbor Day!

    Post your favorite type of tree! Wait am I doing this right...?