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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. Xepher


    Like I said before, I didn't ban you on purpose, because if you really knew me, I'm not the type of person who just bans people for no reason whatsoever. The freekilling happened a week ago and it was me, Slippery & one other mod, we saw him freekill and left. I did the ban by disconnect thing, and when I saw him on yesterday, I talked to both Duckii and Serbian because I wasn't sure if I could ban someone for avoiding a ban. After he was kicked out for whatever reason it was, I banned him from there. After I banned him I realized when the first time I banned him it was someone else having the same name, but I do remember it was E L_Moe_man doing the freekilling though, even ask Slippery since he was on the same time as me when this happened. All of this is just all one big miscommunication & name mixup. I would never have banned you on purpose for no reason at all
  2. Oh cmon Kevin :( Why you gotta act like that?
  3. I checked the date when he joined XG, he was accepted on November 2, so January 2 would be his 2 month anniversary =P Duke made his application a few days before his so why not Blooddevil lol
  4. Xepher


    Really nice person +1
  5. Xepher


    You go to settings, which is located on the right side of the site. Scroll down and click "edit avatar"
  6. Next on "Where are they now?"
  7. I think I kinda know who Penguin mentions lol but if its the right person I 100% agree with him
  8. Why do I get the feeling this is from a cartoon would use XD
  9. Xepher

    Passing notes...

    I used to pass notes in class....then we all got cell phones and text it to them now.
  10. Xepher

    Retards for CT

    I think its due to it being winter break for a lot of people. We had TONS of bad CT's during the summer. Once school is in session maybe it will be better
  11. Xepher


    FREAKING THIS! I don't care if its fake or not, no woman ever deserves to be hit like that.
  12. Xepher


    I highly doubt that you got permabanned for killing 1 person, there's probably more to this story, wait on Penguin who banned you and explain his story =P
  13. Funny thing is that some bronies hate furries, and some furries hate bronies. It's kinda messed up, and funny as hell. There's a furry artsite I belong on and they had a "MLP week" and many people were PISSED about it, funny ♥♥♥♥ XD Love and tolerate....love and tolerate
  14. FURRY FREEDAY!!!!! Anyways, but yeah, as I said in the other one, I'm more of a furry then a brony, but I accept both furries and bronies :) As Otherwordly said, I'm like that type of brony who just watches the show and thats about it. I've been a fan of the furry stuff since high school =P Also yes I have a fursona :O Xepher Art :O Dealwithit.jpg
  15. It just depends on warden. If they take a step out before I said go or whatever, but go back in their cell, their safe.
  16. And I'm about to ruin your whole ♥♥♥♥ing day :3
  17. Then sorry to tell you this, but nothing can be done -___- Aegean, I feel your pain about hating your job
  18. Where's the both option :X I'm more of a furry though then brony to be honest, now my best friend however...he's a hardcore brony
  19. There's actually a difference since I talked to Aegean about this before when going through promo-demo, if you left and came back, its fine, but if you got kicked out then you joined back, you have to wait 2 months. Remember how Duckii left and when she came back, she got Co-Leader instantly?
  20. So unban the person & close this please :3
  21. Well, according to the banlogs it was Snackbar, with the reason "Warned him 4 times" so let's wait and see his side of the story. Also protip: Try not to copy & paste console as "proof" People might get skeptical and think you edited it or whatever =P
  22. I'm just gonna join and see what happens :3 Plz