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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. *coughDuckiiJr*cough* Still love you buddy <3
  2. Xepher


    I should ask what did Luis do to be perma CT banned?
  3. Xepher

    Jokes about members

  4. There's no such thing as First Day Freeday, it's all up to the warden for that
  5. Xepher


    Would be a good addition to the mod team. Pyro approved. +1
  6. Xepher

    Bhop server.

    Yeah this is the reason why, I think maybe if you get enough people, it might come back by popular demand.
  7. It was an hour ban, it's now expired, so go have fun on the servers now. ~Would close this thread & make a witty remark, but has no fourm mod powers yet :c
  8. Xepher


    Haha I called it. I was there too when this happened, I don't know what he said to Smoker because of it taking place in dead chat (me being alive on T when this happened) but when the next map started he did bring up the question about it.
  9. :O Well then.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1YmS_VDvMY Please? :3 Bonus points if you seen this movie
  10. I believe there should be an option for Division leaders and maybe admins too to enable all talk on or off if there's a majority vote for it
  11. Hey Major, were still waiting on those videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VfGDYuMaD0
  12. He's a cool guy, usually on when I'm on :) Pyro approved. +1
  13. Good person, played with him couple of times and nice :) Pyro approves. +1
  14. If its worked by percentages, maybe it can be a small chance of getting it =P
  15. Xepher


    lol silly Chrono, that's not how you teamban someone =P but yeah, next time I see him I'll unban him
  16. Been thinking about this, was kinda wondering if you can add more types of RTD into the current one we have. So far we have about I believe 9 (maybe missing 1 or 2) but thought maybe a few newer ones could make it more interesting. I'm not thinking of having people getting RTD's with weapons because of obvious reasons and had a few certain people who abused that ;) Examples Kamikaze: You're a ticking time bomb and have 5 seconds to live (self damage only, heavens forbid we put all damage on that for same team...teamkills...teamkills everywhere) Reverse: Your movements are now backwards (use S to move forward, use W to walk backwards, etc) Burn: You suddenly combust into flames and lose some HP Dud: Yawn...You get absolutely nothing. Armor: You get armor, nuff said. Sunglasses: You will now be not effected by flashbangs (Didn't we have this one before? but I guess its kinda pointless since there are a few Minigame/Deathrun maps that use flashbangs) Just a few I had in mind =P Highly doubt this will go into effect, but still, would be a fun thing to add on
  17. Xepher

    Bye xG

    Awwww :C Hope to see you sometime later dude
  18. Well from what I heard he's already unbanned from CT, so I guess there's no need for this then Here is the line where I would make a witty closed remark but doesnt have fourm mod powers yet, but I need a quote though haha
  19. Why would the NO3 kids be doing this? Their that mad?
  20. Xepher


    Hey before we start a shitstorm, can we wait for SGTBLU to tell us about this?
  21. Woah I was not expecting this at all O.O I love you all <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much guys! :D This is a terrific way to start my new year! STEAM_0:1:31618738 Also congrats to everyone else who have been promoted! ^^ You totally deserved it guys!
  22. Cool dude, really nice too, would be a good addition to XG +1 :3
  23. Xepher


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2xDJPc-yaM He's a guy D:
  24. All it is basically is a warday in a one entrance room -1 Sorry buddy