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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. Like I said, there's no prizes or anything, it's just something for shits and giggles =P
  2. I was actually on with him today and he seemed fine with me o.O
  3. What's that? An arrow to the knee joke thread?
  4. I'm admin and I'm still the same loudass fun furry that people know and love :3...I think Yeah I can see where your coming from though with people being full of themselves and such
  5. This is a classic mistake, a lot of people think the group invite is an invitation to the clan, but to wear the xG tag, you need to be accepted by the other xG members by making an application :)
  6. How about they give you permission to join in Terranova, that way you can use your stuff. Unless you don't want to?
  7. I dont get it, there's some people in the clan that some members have a huge hatred for, but yet I get along with them just fine o.O Honestly for me I really never had a problem with Glenn before. Now I don't know with some people, but there are times where we have to forgive and forget stuff when it comes to silly little first world drama like this. True story for this example, back in the day when I had mod, JB was on and trolled/disrespected me a lot and it really pissed me off so I had a huge hatred for him. When he applied for mod I was very skeptical about it since I remembered what he did to me, so I brought it up and he told me he was sorry about it. About all of you should know me how I'm very nice and I can forgive people easily and such and so I forgave him and didn't have a problem with JB since. With other members who done stupid stuff, for example with Chickenlips, when he got kicked out and such for trolling, he changed and we welcomed him back with open arms. So if we can accept people for screwing up and changing for the better, then why shouldn't Glenn? If you guys are really paranoid about it, then if he gets back in, just keep a close eye on him then.
  8. Knowing your icon is Applejack The reason why you got kicked out of XG cause of the way you been acting to other members and the mods/admin, not because you sound like a person. If you try to change your attitude in a month, you can reapply and try again.
  9. That's because they are XD Also am I doing this right?
  10. Xepher

    xbox or ps3

    It's all about Sega Genesis :3
  11. These goat puns holy crap XD Anyways welcome back dude
  12. Sorry Oscar but +1 for clan removal, with the attitude you've been lately, its not good
  13. Take me with you please? lol
  14. Pretty much what everyone basically said. If you get killed when you have a bomb, well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khHe_0FBOvg
  15. Xepher


    Do you count Wii bowling or Kinect bowling?
  16. Remember the days when people made gaming clans to...you know...have fun? Neither do I sadly :|
  17. Xepher


    Just gonna say this now, not a lot of people are going to believe the story, but yeah go here if you want to be unbanned Want To Get Unbanned? yet it doesnt say your banned according to banlogs o.O
  18. Xepher


    Age doesn't mean anything, we have a few mods who are 13-14 year olds. It's all about maturity and dedication to the community. You're basically giving your trust to the person to have power to control the server
  19. Xepher


    Would be a great addition to mod team +1
  20. Here's the story, I talked to Duckii myself about this since I've been hearing about this. Duckii is going to edit the MOTD a bit and add the rule of wardens have to repeat orders 3 times when people ask. It's not in the MOTD now, but will be in the future.
  21. Xepher


    I talked to Duckii and the MOTD is going to be edited a bit with, including wardays
  22. Woah waoh waoh, who requested for him to be demoted?! He's an awesome guy, and for donating a lot to the clan, he deserves to be in XG of course