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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. Xepher


    Agreeing with Serbian said :D He is a really really nice guy, my +1 still stands
  2. Xepher


    You need to add me on steam too bby, Herpes cant know our secret affair! On topic, Color, if people are disrespecting you to the point its bad, make a member protest about it. Can we play nice guys? Please?
  3. To create a better social system for xG. Oh and get off my lazy ♥♥♥ and lose weight.
  4. Yes of course, I was throwing some examples =P
  5. I guess if they made a huge impact on the server and people remembered them, I guess you can =P
  6. Before I start I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone on here and hope that you're enjoying them :) Now I thought about this after the whole thread of "who's the most dramatic person of XG" and have categories that tries not to insult other members and cause shitstorms haha (Keyword is try here) Really not any prizes here, but bragging rights I guess and something to laugh about. Here's a few catergories I had in mind Funniest Member Best Warden Best Rebeller Most likely to die by a door Best shooter with an AWP Best JB Map Best Minigame Map and so on so on Thoughts about this? I think it would a be fun idea
  7. Xepher


    +1 had problems in the past before due to miscommunication, but we made up and such. Cool guy and active on surf a lot lol
  8. Remember kiddies, fighting over the internet is like running for Office. Even if you win, you're still stupid! :D
  9. I don't know what to say, so here's a bunny with some pancakes on its head
  10. Xepher


  11. Started playing on the servers in June/July then officially joined in July, so I guess I've known the clan for about 5-6 months
  12. Xepher

    Cya xG..

    Scared the crap outta me XD Have fun at your cousins, enjoy the rest of your holidays dude
  13. So far nothing since I'm home alone for Christmas and not celebrating it till my brother & sister are back from doing whatever lol But yesterday got $100 from my aunt and a Keurig coffee maker (Well, its technically my Mom's, but she'll never use it haha) and from my friend a Ghostbusters shirt and a fox tail :D
  14. +1 because Herpes forced me too, and it would be a good idea I guess
  15. Weeellll....I did made a thread for all the random posts can go into called "Let It Out" but that didn't work out now did it? Anyways, happy holidays Duckii :)
  16. Xepher


    Cool dude, knows rules, etc +1
  17. Xepher


    Did you hear the time were my fathers uncle sister half cousin nephew in law twice remove pet slave friend of their aunt brothers friend friend step mother half brother hacked my account and said all those bad stuff? No one believed me :C
  18. Hence why its important to listen to both sides of the story before to judge =P I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today. ♥♥♥♥ this sounds like an after school special lesson, or Full House, one of the two XD
  19. It got wiped out again? Dosent really surprise me honestly
  20. Xepher

    What Time?

    Back in the day we got up extremely early around 5 or 6, but not this year since my sister is in Idaho this Christmas, my mom is working and my brother, who knows what. A.K.A. I'm celebrating Christmas by myself and home alone. foreveralone.jpg
  21. Knowing the previous offenses and such, this was basically the final straw, if I can recall he was on probation twice, thus leading to this.
  22. Congrats dude! That college is about 2-3 hours away from where I live. Come over here please?
  23. Uh...This is more about what Sparkles- Russian Ninja Jr did, but OK lol Anyways, +1 for someone to talk to the dude and probation and such
  24. Xepher


    Really cool guy and very nice :) +1