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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. I've done it already and you guys just haven't realized it yet
  2. Do you believe that their should be a rule about having names that are extremely close as someone else's name, for example, yesterday there was "The Human Centipede" and "The Human Centifag" another one was "Russian Ninja Sparkles Jr" (something like that) and "Sparkles Ninja Russian Jr" and the usual Jr's on servers This maybe confusing to other players and CT's because they can end up killing the wrong person due to having names similar to the other and some of the newer mods can accidentally slay the wrong person for same reason.
  3. My question is, why mass freekill the first time, get yourself perm banned on CT in the first place?
  4. Do not un-ctban Aaron *whistles an innocent tune*
  5. Xepher


    I agree with Rosser, also if you really want to be technical, you were accepted on 10-24-2011, so it hasn't been really 2 months yet, but don't know if anyone really cares
  6. I just mute all T's if they do that the first second they all start mic spamming and warn them about doing it again they will be kicked.
  7. Xepher


    0 for now, good player, but honestly you're sometimes highly annoying on mic and talk over people way too much
  8. Well Spiderpig is I believe 12....maybe 13? 11? I don't remember. Next time he's on I'll keep a watchful eye on him
  9. You know what happened when we did this? Some of you dumb CT's killed the wrong people...
  10. Way to edit your posts on here specially the part you disrespected some mods
  11. Xepher


    +1 Furry mod ftw :3 Also active and knows the rules and a great guy!
  12. I'm fine with my FA tag. Furry Admin :3
  13. -1 for stated reasons above
  14. Not everyone is perfect and may accidentally freekill someone, heck I'm an admin and I freekill a bit on accident and still slay myself for it. Just because there's one little mistake doesn't mean they should be kicked out. Quoting this from Aegean " people are allowed to make small mistakes like this, it's human."
  15. Xepher


    http://www.team3k.info/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=151&sid=ae5c19a2e7ed6b0d66fb497f9a8bc9b6 Sorry for the bump, but just gonna leave this here. I'm not mad or anything, its Bluntmans choice though.
  16. Off topic, but whatever happened to the logo contest?
  17. Xepher

    Xepher Art :O

    He's more of an techno, hardcore, style person, I would highly suggest listening to some of the songs.
  18. Xepher

    Some of my art

    Yay for having a fursona :D
  19. Xepher

    Eat dat watermelon

  20. Seems like a fun map +1 Only thing that might be a problem is the helicopter, I can probably tell you that if it can be controlled, its going to be abused like crazy
  21. My opinion about what happened during that game should be taken outside of the forums, we don't need an argument on here
  22. Wild speculation here, but is a certain furry posting on the forums till he gets to 100 so he can apply for mod? :3 Be honest
  23. Xepher

    Xepher Art :O

    Most of the time its either gifts from my friends, except for the 1st & 2nd one, those were commissions. Fun fact: The 2nd one was by SqueegeeMonster, the person who does the art for LapFox Trax albums (Renard, Jackal Queenston, Mayhem, etc) If you don't know them, go listen to them, they are awesome :D
  24. Xepher

    Xepher Art :O

    In the 4th one, my friend thought he was a girl so he drew her as a girl, then tried to fix it up after I told him he wasn't haha. Without the hood up he has long hair, probably that's why people think of that =P