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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITBGjNEp08
  2. Mortuus, don't gravedig old forums, you're going to get forum banned soon and I already warned you.
  3. SGTBLU: I originally wanted to make the furry hats personal for me, but I knew a lot of people on the server would love to have one as well so it should be a Furry Hat Pack, but yeah I would agree cause if one person got their own hat, everyone else will
  4. Hey please don't grave dig old threads =(
  5. Yeah I was there, but yeah +1 No offense to Nighty, but with that attitude towards people, mods should not act like that
  6. Damn it Serbian I was going to post something like that XD If you can count the bass line I would do it for ya
  7. I do say he is a fine gentlemen and would be a great addition to xG +1
  8. Xepher

    [Ban Protest]

    inb4no one believes the "my little brother" story
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClXAaGoT5eE Also this isn't a Honda commercial lol its from Densha Otoko, a J-drama series
  10. Yup, just for you Arthman
  11. This People = you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvfwxa1Nwi0 not really
  12. Awesome dude and player, knows rules, etc Big ol' +1 from me
  13. Please don't gravedig threads :c It's frowned upon
  14. 0 for now, he's a calm person, but the ♥♥♥ down ♥♥♥ down was a bit overboard Yet when people say racial slurs people say "its the internet"
  15. Sorry to tell you, but I'm pretty sure there are banks in Iraq
  16. Xepher


    > They probably forgot to take away powers? Who really knows, kinda what happened with Ben
  17. It was more towards the whole "I'm rich guys, buy me games please cause I dont have money :c"
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEWBMDcSW1M
  19. Not a big fan of him honestly when he constantly talks over warden and being annoying on mic (no offense dude) but agreeing with Tarin & Penguin on this, really doesn't deserve to be kicked out, but should be watched carefully by others when CT
  20. PiNoYPsYcHo He's in XG, also Duckii, maybe at the time it was recorded no mods were on, and about 98% when people freekill they refuse to slay themself and think it was a fair kill
  21. TeamSpeak, the IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  22. +1 for this, I love the minigame maps like these :D I forget which one it is, but it has 20 levels and everyone works together on them, I love it <3
  23. Xepher

    ohhh ♥♥♥♥

    Well durp, time to go Exrocist on all you (also kinda funny with the 666 and my icon just staring into your soul, its perfect!)