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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. And then.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VgDnsieaHA :3
  2. Xepher

    Who will win?

    Thinking that he's from Australia, Cricket is actually quite a very popular sport there, while in the US, not as much
  3. bumping this since people need to see this
  4. Xepher


    You're forgetting this song too, I blame Densha Otoko http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u55SfJMHLA
  5. Xepher

    who just AHAD

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY0o2FHh64Y
  7. Can we make an official rules thread about forum rules and gravedigging? I'm not the only one, but I'm tired of seeing people spam up the forums so that they can get to 100 posts and apply for mod. My opinion guys: Don't rush to get 100 posts, Mod applications aren't going anywhere and its not a race to see who can get mod first. Plus it will look really bad on your part and people may think you only care about getting mod & not about the community. You know who you are who do this
  8. Please don't gravedig Lord :c
  9. We kinda do, any DDOS threat, they get banned permanently
  10. Jesus Christ how horrifying
  11. Silly Carissimi :3 +1 for unban lulz
  12. I talked to him today, pretty cool dude and is a chill guy, so +1
  13. Only thing I got to say is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUH3JQjcweM I'm not taking either sides here
  14. Xepher

    im really a guy

  15. Xepher

    Vga 2011

    The VGA (Video Game Awards) are going to be on tonight, so let's talk about it here
  16. Xepher

    famouse quote

    " Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me who believes in you!" - Kamina
  17. Spamming applications, so -1
  18. Xepher

    Tarin and Rabid

    If this is over a month ago...why does this exists then? This thread needs to be condemned!
  19. Xepher

    Tarin and Rabid

    I thought Rabid quit on xG? Probably didn't lose powers yet
  20. Let's wait on Tarin response about this, but for now, its only a day.
  21. People's feedback are highly welcome but have to be legit reasons not just like "omg ban him liek 4 being a doo doo head to me :c" And the co-leaders/division leaders + some admins talk over it and give the final word
  22. I think the other Rainbow Dash is Vinyl Scratch for the time being
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFlOZFSIsMQ Not on here but on a different thread