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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. Xepher

    MineCraft Server

    mc.xenogamers.com :) Enjoy
  2. Agree with Serbian, also people are gonna try to make their freedays official, I want Furry Freeday to be official as well, but noooooooooooooo Aegean won't let me :c
  3. Say I'm done cleaning myself and exit the shower?
  4. Xepher


    Woah dude did you draw these?! O.O Those look amazing! Especially the Coy fish
  5. Well...I'm 19 going on 20 in April. I'm getting old ;__;
  6. It wouldn't be a secret if I told everyone now would it?
  7. So I guess were gonna turn the other cheek about the whole "I'm leaving forever blah blah blah" thing?
  8. Jesus Christ what the frick was the first video of o.O Did she like gave birth to the devil or something?
  9. Nothing is going to happen when you have no proof =| clooooooosed (not now at least)
  10. Xepher

    Let it Out

    Pizza as a Vegetable? Congress Proposes New School Lunch Bill Only freaking America...
  11. Xepher


    Hey there, welcome to XG! Please wipe your feet at the door before entering :)
  12. Wait they already picked the winners? o.O So much for this
  13. Xepher

    Bomb win.

    LOL Holy ♥♥♥♥ what the hell happened!?
  14. Jackal. (well not really, I got a Wolf, but close enough)
  15. Cool kid, knows the rules, etc. etc. +1
  16. Xepher

    Ban Request

    *sigh* Please being proof -_- Also it doesn't say your banned from the servers Serbian, Aegean or Billy, do the honors?
  17. Xepher

    Let it Out

  18. This really isn't helping your submission when your telling one of the mods of the XG community to "grow some ♥♥♥♥ing balls" and calling him a manchild lol also his vouch didn't change? Anyways for now 0
  19. I don't record while playing cause it lags the crap out of my computer, if it didn't, there would be a lot ban requests with proof on here
  20. If I can recall, once they go back inside their cell, their safe.
  21. Wow nice sleuthing BTYM lol Also I do agree, when do the people vote on the entries? Here's a recap for my entries Xeno Gamers Logo Xeno Gamers Logo Xeno Gamers Logo
  22. Xepher

    Let it Out

    I live in Ohio & hate Ohio State lol
  23. 1.It doesn't say you're banned? o.O 2. Do you have any proof about GrandReaper hating on you? If so, bring some proof and make a ban request on him if he's causing trouble. 3. Grandreaper isn't a mod or admin so he really can't do anything to you.