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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. So your like to anal rape big Russian guys? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3cRWJcZjW4
  2. Xepher


    Now do you believe that would be fair to the others who are applying for mod and a person who isn't even in gets mod? To me its sounds like a bit of favoritism :X
  3. Xepher


    Sorry dude, but you have to be a member first to be a mod. So I have to -1 this Sorry :( Apply first for membership here which wouldn't be a problem then mod :)
  4. There's already a limit for when you can RTV the map, but yeah I agree, I hate when people want to switch the map because 1 person doesn't like it. Unless its a popular map, people just shut up about it *coughLegomapcough*
  5. Oh hey dude havn't seen you in forever
  6. Xepher


    I really hope your not leaving for that reason =\
  7. Yeah because I totally said bad stuff =\
  8. So I guess this is what our tax money is paying?
  9. Xepher

    Plugin Ideas

    Will this go into effect by order when the warden dies or will it be freegame for it? Also the one thing that might be a problem is that a CT who doesn't have a mic can bind !warden and be on it, which would lead up to a micless warden. Then again you can skip the person, but it might be annoying to skip because of it
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tESbYRTMA4w I suggested this loooooonnnnggggg time ago, but no one listened :(
  11. Xepher

    Bullying ;{

    Bullying is a subject that means a lot to me and whenever I see someone get bullied, I'm usually there to help the victim. I was bullied most of my high school years by people I didn't even know and was judged there, I want to help those who need it you know? Whenever I got bullied, I tend to just ignore it, but for some people, there can be a breaking point for them where they can take it to the next level (Pull a Colombine or kill themselves) Lately I've been hearing stories of teachers knowing people getting bullied but being the dumbasses they are, they don't do jackshit which ♥♥♥♥♥♥ me off. There are teachers out there who ARE the bully D: Example in this news report Teachers caught on tape bullying special-needs girl ♥♥♥♥ like this make me realize how ♥♥♥♥ed the world can be. There's a song I really love by Rise Against called September's Children (Make It Stop) which was decicated to the people who killed themselves because they were bullied to death because they were different. I suggest listening to the song, its great and I love it <3 There's a quote I've always hear lately with bullying being more of a problem in schools, "It maybe hard now, but it gets better in the end"
  12. Congrats to all who've been promoted! :D
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMa6ot8g3JM
  14. 0 for now, you did kinda spammed threads to get 100.
  15. Xepher

    are mods allowed to

    If someone is afk for more then 3 rounds, they can, or at least thats what I do The other one, wellll if the CTs need people who have mics they can switch people (That's why they have mic check days to see what CT has a mic and who don't)
  16. Xepher


    Should she be accepted? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0jQ0SgFLKU +1 <3
  17. That's clever right there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DYje57V_BY
  18. Remember the times when people...you know, got along with each other? Neither do I
  19. Yup, Serbian pretty much nailed it down, glad to know me & Herpes aren't the only ones who know the show. I might add that its an amazing series :)
  20. It's all good dude, my friend has a fetish like that, also her in the second pic, not gonna lie, but she looks nice :D
  21. What admin said it was banned?
  22. Like I told you earlier, I thought it was playable and it can be played if it was approved by a mod/admin.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmQld67v9_Y
  24. Well apparently he's banned by Silence for a week and with the reason saying & I quote "Do NOT unban him. He must wait the entire week. If you unban him you lose your powers. This includes you Aegean." Rabid your gonna end up losing your mod powers someday if this continues
  25. Mayeski: Seen the whole video...I wish for the man to die in a horrible and painful way possible :D Jack: That's old Carbon: First time I saw that I cringed a lot I think the one video that really made sick was the guy doing rock diving and hit his head on the way down and showed the aftermath of it at the hospital. Pretty ♥♥♥♥ed up. Also any video that does with child or animal abuse will make me sick. Also this video made me sick as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYFU8WLwpJk Yes I know its an anime show and fake, but still