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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Xepher

  1. Zoidberg back you say? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bADvzk2CqYQ
  2. Does it go something like "Society will crash down before me!"
  3. Should be common sense not to cheat in LR, cause were's the fun in that? Also copying the rules about LR's from the Jailbreak Rules In your case healing during LR was an advantage for you as Serbian said, therefore, cheating. Just don't do it again :)
  4. Do you have proof of this? As a community, we cannot stress this enough about having ban requests on people who have no proof. Take pictures or videos of the dude. For now, we have to keep an eye on him if he's really a problem
  5. Xepher


    B...but I don't use a map on MC, hell I don't have any mods on mine. D:
  6. Congrats to all that have been promoted ^^
  7. For me if it was a perm banned or a month ban, I would do this, but that's just my opinion cause this is your only "Get Out of Jail Free" card, and once you use it, that's it.
  8. +1 Cool guy, knows what to do and such
  9. Don't know why you post this since it was only for a day =x
  10. So I'm pretty sure this is going to be rejected, but its worth a shot haha If you guys don't know me when I'm on the CSS servers, I'm usually the one who gives out furry freedays and most of the time talking about furries and such =P I have about one or two new types of hat for donated users, Furry tails or/and Furry heads Furry tails Self explanatory, could be a wolf, or fox tail (or if you want to be awesome, a jackal one just for me :3) Furry heads Self explanatory as well, but have furheads as hats (wolf, fox, jackal *wink wink* etc) I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this would be a cool idea (hopefully haha)
  11. I think it was for the 10char thing =P
  12. Xepher


    Major is Photography with a minor in Japanese language
  13. Xepher


    I'm in my sophomore year....OF COLLEGE! Classes: Intermediate Japanese I, Public Speaking, Biology, Reading Poetry, Photography Grades: It's all over the place lol
  14. Introducing RPG Jailbreak! When you're level 500 as a T, you spawn with a M249-SAW with crazy amount of speed, and you can never die!
  15. Been gone the whole day, still see's Jill and Maasie arguing with each other http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnQdBD2y64 Seriously guys, please take it outside of forums
  16. Xepher

    Promo-Demo Info

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Azz-6oT08c not really lolololol
  17. Everyone knows that the The Penetrator is the best weapon ever
  18. Fire in the hole *flash* fire in the hole *flash* fire in the hole *flash* fire in the hole *flash* fire in the hole *flash* fire in the hole *flash*
  19. Xepher


    Wow Quarantine, you really let yourself go D:
  20. In basic terms: Don't post in a thread that's more then a month old, its very frown upon.
  21. Why did you gravedig this post? :c
  22. His signature should give it away =P Plus like for some people they can play on different times then other people.
  23. Fixed :3 Anyways, congrats on the 1K haha
  24. Xepher


    Really can't judge because I wasn't on the server, but pic or video proof can help out more, but Trif & EZ Kill are good mods