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Everything posted by Speechluss

  1. I've been trying to get scrims going on cs go but there is barely any interest :P currently all we have is a broken pug (pick up game) server which I think @@Starbuck should make a scrim server
  2. correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure it says in the rules that you have to see them rebel, that the killfeed and the rebel anouncements are not enought proof
  3. I like the bomb, but I think we should eventually link them to hub and possibly take off limits on buying them
  4. +1 really calm cool guy. Knows the rules
  5. 0 for now, seems like a good idea but id like to talk to @@Starbuck and @@Unique first
  6. Speechluss


    this is very minor, and there is no proof that this even happened, also zrined gave a reason for slaying, he did not admit to abuse. ~closed
  7. hey pyro, glad to have you back :D
  8. if you're a mod why didn't you just ban him?
  9. All of us get trolled/bad feedback from csgo, to be honest most of the actually mature or decent people are xg members (Maybe like 5) so everyone is immature and a troll, don't let it get to you, just don't directly respond to their bs, just gag say stop, kick, then ban, don't give anything to let them feed off of, just msg me when I'm on if it gets out of hand
  10. +1 active in game and teamspeak, knows the rules well, mature!
  11. I've heard reports of akio abusing before which was why I was concerned but this seems like a misunderstanding, and even if it's not these offenses aren't top bad, I wanted to wait until I saw chat logs until I gave my vote, but I'm going to have to -1 ive had people telling me that akio would get on slay random people, ban people for no reason, disrespect everyone. But all these reports are from late at night, I have never seen any of these from akio before, If he truly is abusing we need real proof. Tldr; leave akio alone unless you have solid proof of disrespect/abuse
  12. @@Starbuck , also mentioned that aki0 was disrespecting him in chat, could you check the logs? @@Minneapolis could you provide a date/time when the disrespect happened
  13. Upload your demo on mediafire or the like, and post a link
  14. +1 I'm tires of the immaturity
  15. i get this error every time i try to start, any ideas? [MEDIA=imgur]gUNt6[/MEDIA]
  16. Speechluss

    xG Radio!

    *1 sounds awesome!!
  17. link to demo: protocol.dem password: booboo wolfram was unable to post so i am posting for him.