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  1. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Kittylicious - mmo   
    it was deleted by @Forest before i could screencap and use it for evidence. (snip) but hey, forest can delete things from divisions he isnt even a part of without asking first i guess.
    first off, forest is a very well respected member of this community. Attaining the rank of FormerCo-Leader and he manages to help maintain the few things that really need handled well when there is nobody else around to do it.
    Second off, if something is on the forums, it isn't a division. just because it is under the TF2 div section of the forums does not mean if I go in there and all I see is shitposting, and bm, that I wont instantly ban the fuck out of you. If it deserves some action done to it, it is going to be done, it's not "well i'm from TF2, and he came from CS:S, so whatever I do, he can't do anything about."
    there wasn't an instance of this behaviour on that thread before the instigation.
    I reviewed some of it, they were instigated from what I saw. Age old story, Don't talk shit unless you are ready to get shit, aka, talk shit get shit. While yes, someone needs to be the better person, if you talk shit, then cry when shit is sent back your way, I couldn't give a fuck less. Like stated and (mostly) agreed upon by other higher ups in 1-on-1 cases of things, if someone is going to go at it with another, and the other is going at it back, then I vote to either: ban them both, or ban neither of them and tell them they will both be banned the next time it is seen.
    Yes she left, we get it, I haven't seen a single thread she posted in where there hasn't been mention of her leaving previously and to "fuck off already". get over it, I left one time too, I came back about a half a year to a year later, got DL. some stay, some go, some are just lost, get over it. does her posting on a forum threaten your life? no, so why the fuck do you care that she posts on here? you don't have to read what she says, there is always the option to ignore them and be the bigger person. oh wait, I forgot, neither side here will ignore the other to be the bigger person, because both sides are childish little brats who get themselves off on trying to start shit.
    neither person is right, you're both wrong, if hidingmaster (and higher ups) really want to ban kitty, as annoying as I find her, I find you guys just as annoying with your shit you do. and if the decision is to ban her, then I believe that you also should receive the exact same punishment, in both length and remorse, if one is allowed to be unbanned (if it is perm and we know how those are), then the other gets unbanned as well. that way none of this "just ban them both, everyone likes him and not her, so we can get him unbanned after."
  2. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DrLee in Kittylicious - mmo   
    it was deleted by @Forest before i could screencap and use it for evidence. (snip) but hey, forest can delete things from divisions he isnt even a part of without asking first i guess.
    first off, forest is a very well respected member of this community. Attaining the rank of FormerCo-Leader and he manages to help maintain the few things that really need handled well when there is nobody else around to do it.
    Second off, if something is on the forums, it isn't a division. just because it is under the TF2 div section of the forums does not mean if I go in there and all I see is shitposting, and bm, that I wont instantly ban the fuck out of you. If it deserves some action done to it, it is going to be done, it's not "well i'm from TF2, and he came from CS:S, so whatever I do, he can't do anything about."
    there wasn't an instance of this behaviour on that thread before the instigation.
    I reviewed some of it, they were instigated from what I saw. Age old story, Don't talk shit unless you are ready to get shit, aka, talk shit get shit. While yes, someone needs to be the better person, if you talk shit, then cry when shit is sent back your way, I couldn't give a fuck less. Like stated and (mostly) agreed upon by other higher ups in 1-on-1 cases of things, if someone is going to go at it with another, and the other is going at it back, then I vote to either: ban them both, or ban neither of them and tell them they will both be banned the next time it is seen.
    Yes she left, we get it, I haven't seen a single thread she posted in where there hasn't been mention of her leaving previously and to "fuck off already". get over it, I left one time too, I came back about a half a year to a year later, got DL. some stay, some go, some are just lost, get over it. does her posting on a forum threaten your life? no, so why the fuck do you care that she posts on here? you don't have to read what she says, there is always the option to ignore them and be the bigger person. oh wait, I forgot, neither side here will ignore the other to be the bigger person, because both sides are childish little brats who get themselves off on trying to start shit.
    neither person is right, you're both wrong, if hidingmaster (and higher ups) really want to ban kitty, as annoying as I find her, I find you guys just as annoying with your shit you do. and if the decision is to ban her, then I believe that you also should receive the exact same punishment, in both length and remorse, if one is allowed to be unbanned (if it is perm and we know how those are), then the other gets unbanned as well. that way none of this "just ban them both, everyone likes him and not her, so we can get him unbanned after."
  3. Like
    Chrono reacted to Forest in Kittylicious - mmo   
    +/- 0. Why? I'll start with the following:
    1.1 - Anyone using the most recent thread as a means of opinion is incredibly biased. After looking over the first page, it is apparent that Moosty instigated the whole damn thing with what he said, hence I deleted it. Should I have to, I can quote the moment he stepped too far in his ways. God forbid we ever get a thread that doesn't end up in a shit storm. The problem isn't the person, the problem is the way our Members react and reply to threads. I see so many acts of hostility on these things that it makes me shake my head. As a reminder, if you're going to instigate and cause a flame war with someone, you should damn well expect them to retaliate to it. No one's made of steel.
    1.2 - And to those of you who think I'm siding with Kitty, I'm not. After a quick look at most of her posts, it is apparent that she is the type of person who takes great pride in what she says, does, and whatever position she is currently in. This behaviour results in a "I'm better than you" perspective, and I can see why those of you get upset over it. However, with that said, there wasn't an instance of this behaviour on that thread before the instigation. Again, proof of this can be provided should it be requested.
    1.3 - I will also agree that the attitude toward TF2 as well as the TF2 Division needs to stop. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when someone is spouting off against something day in/day out it starts to become a problem, especially when part of it applies to one of our very own Divisions. While this is certainly a problem, I don't see it as a bannable offense so much as it is something to be warned of. For those of you who are angered with all of the warnings, keep in mind that these are in regards to different offenses, and therefore do not stack on each other. A quick example would be banning someone for freekilling because they broke a different rule that doesn't involve freekilling. While drastic, it is still a proper example and should obviously not happen.
    1.4 - Finally, you're right, I have no idea why I still have powers. But as I said in that thread, I'll be damned if I let this stupid behaviour continue. Any other Staff could have stepped in, but it is obvious that they were busy or MIA, therefore I took it upon myself to stop all of the bullshit going on in there, so sue me. Maybe I'll finally have my powers taken away for doing something that should have been done, am I right?
    Those of you who are basing your judgement from that thread alone need to check yourself, just saying. All I see are Members who are trying their hardest to use broken evidence (those using the previous thread as a basis for their vouch mind you) to boot someone, much like when a Member nitpicks about a Staff Member because they simply do not like them. I would also like to point out that just because someone is well known and popular, that doesn't mean they should automatically be in the right. This is in regards to mentions of Moosty being a "level-headed person". Hell, if I say something out of line or do something out of line, call me out on it. I know @Chrono does in a heart beat because he does what's right, and more often than not, he's right. Even here where Moosty thinks I did wrong in acting on a potential hazardous situation, which I am not saying was wrong. He is right, I shouldn't interfere with the affairs of another Division, let alone at all as I am just a Member, but I have my reasons for doing so which I have mentioned above (Point 1.4).
    I won't have a TL;DR for this post as it is all honest opinion as well as reasoning, sorry folks. Those who care enough will give it a read.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  4. Like
    Chrono reacted to Muzzle in Farewell.   
    Try counter strike division. you'll love it there. Exepct you don't play counter strike you just play league
  5. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Ribbit in Asock - teamspeak   
    @Aegean @PapiChulo @Gawd @tree @DarkWolf6052 @Duke @ItsAaron @Ribbit
  6. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Asock - teamspeak   
    @Aegean @PapiChulo @Gawd @tree @DarkWolf6052 @Duke @ItsAaron @Ribbit
  7. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Asock - teamspeak   
    @Aegean @PapiChulo @Gawd @tree @DarkWolf6052 @Duke @ItsAaron @Ribbit
  8. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Yu_Narukami in Asock - teamspeak   
    @Aegean @PapiChulo @Gawd @tree @DarkWolf6052 @Duke @ItsAaron @Ribbit
  9. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Ribbit - counter-strike: source   
    coming from the person who has had their cat do numerous things on the servers. ;)
  10. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Goblin in Bach - team fortress 2   
    this scrub dl shoulda closed it when he posted
    also bach, pls no crasherino thanxeroni. jk lel
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Nomulous in Public todo list   
    Or divide the credits between all the referred. giving them an even smaller incentive into doing multiples. ;)
  12. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Legend in Bach - team fortress 2   
    this scrub dl shoulda closed it when he posted
    also bach, pls no crasherino thanxeroni. jk lel
  13. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from StarmiX in Bach - team fortress 2   
    this scrub dl shoulda closed it when he posted
    also bach, pls no crasherino thanxeroni. jk lel
  14. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Dethman in Bach - team fortress 2   
    this scrub dl shoulda closed it when he posted
    also bach, pls no crasherino thanxeroni. jk lel
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from MrJeeblez in We need a new clan leader.   
    Do you want to hear a funny joke?
    Talking in car with gf, tell her to stop pms'ing over her time of the month, she says that she hates it and it smells bad... like eggs. i respond with "I wonder why"
  16. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Ribbit in Ribbit - counter-strike: source   
    coming from the person who has had their cat do numerous things on the servers. ;)
  17. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Ribbit in Ribbit - counter-strike: source   
    from my knowledge of cats, when they kill, they like to torment their prey. i'm more inclined to believe in this story where the cat hunts down all the prey, as opposed to yours of slaying @all.
  18. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Ribbit - counter-strike: source   
  19. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Goodbye dethman, hello deadmens   
    inb4 starts using his account to troll, blames it on stolen ipod, people fall for it when he makes troll threads, gg
  20. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Ribbit in Ribbit - counter-strike: source   
  21. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Jb   
    :( rip the gf, we almost made it to a year.
  22. Boring
    Chrono got a reaction from Jessicax in Jb   
    super secret project =/= jb
    it's just taking up bleed. im too busy with work tbh for much. my off days i have school, and if i get a 3rd off i sleep/go out with gf
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from CoolyCooly in Whos the dumber, snipes or cooly   
    both are equally the dumbest
  24. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from kbraszzz in Whos the dumber, snipes or cooly   
    both are equally the dumbest
  25. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Dethman in Whos the dumber, snipes or cooly   
    both are equally the dumbest